Vision: Warrnambool will be the most environmentally sustainable regional city in Australia.
Green Warrnamboolreflects our community aspirations as set out in the Warrnambool 2040 Community Plan. It is a roadmap for creating our environmentally sustainable and resilient future.
Green Warrnambool and Warrnambool 2040 take strategic steps to address specific issues confronting the municipality. These issues include the health of our waterways and our coast; land, air and water pollution; biodiversity and conserving our natural environment.
Global issues such as climate change, population growth and consumption patterns will affect us, however as a creative and resilient regional city we will provide local responses that are tailored and unique.
The strategy identifies actions that Council will do and actions that the community can do. ‘The community’ is defined as any person or organisation that lives, works or operates in the Warrnambool municipality, including Council itself. Warrnambool City Council is just one of the players that influence environmental sustainability in our City and across the south west region. In order to achieve the goals and actions set out in this strategy, a collaborative effort between Council, a range of agencies, business and the general public is needed. By working together we will achieve the vision of this strategy and the vision of the Council Plan, making Warrnambool the most sustainable regional city in Australia.