Warrnambool | A City for Living

Zero Warrnambool

As a leading regional city we demonstrate innovative, smart solutions to achieve zero net emissions for a renewable future.

Using contemporary ideas and technologies, we will be innovative and bold, working collaboratively on smart solutions. We will build our city and its transport systems for a sustainable future. We will have zero net greenhouse gas emissions and our energy needs will be met from renewable sources.

Greenhouse gas emissions across the municipality

Data on carbon emissions across the Warrnambool municipality (120sqkm)

Key programs include: 

Residential Solar Program

During 2018/2019 Council promoted residential solar uptake through a solar advice program so residents interested could get impartial advice. As result of the program over 300 residents accessed solar PV quotes and advice.

Business Energy audits and financing opportunities for business

Council provides free energy audits for businesses in Warrnambool. The audits provide business owners with a report of major savings opportunities. The program aims to support business to reduce utility costs carbon footprint. As part of this program Council helps businesses access a financial mechanism for business to invest in renewable energy or energy efficiency solutions.

Street lighting program

Council is expanding the street lighting replacement program. The project is in the design stage and expected to be completed in 2021. It is anticipated this will further reduce 7% to 10% of Council’s total carbon emissions (approximately 500Tof CO2). 

Power Purchase Agreement

Council has committed to purchase 40% of its electricity usage through renewable energy.   The PPA is expected to commence in July 2021, this will further reduce Council’ emissions by 40%.

Emission and Energy Reporting

Council is taking control and closely monitoring energy consumption across more than 100 buildings in order to identify opportunities to improve Council’s sustainability performance. The street lighting program was the result of an opportunity report conducted at Council buildings.

Unconventional gas extraction

In December 2014 Council unanimously voted to:

  • oppose the exploration and mining of coal, and unconventional gas within Warrnambool and the Great South Coast Region.
  • remain informed on this issue and any changes to the State Government moratorium of Coal Seam Gas exploration licences.
  • and if there were any changes to the current State Government moratorium of Coal Seam Gas exploration licences that Council respond to State Government without delay.