Council receives funds from numerous sources, including ratepayers, to provide services to the community and to improve buildings, roads, parks and other facilities.
Rates and charges comprise about 50 per cent of the income received by Council.
Rates are a property tax and account for about 3.6 per cent of the taxes collected by all levels of government in Australia. They are also a wealth-based tax. The higher your wealth (property value), the higher the rates assessment.
Any increase in rates is limited by the Victorian Government's rate cap, which is set each year by the Minister for Local Government.
Rates payment
Rates are payable in four equal instalments.
- First instalment: due September 30
- Second instalment: due November 30
- Third instalment: due February 28
- Fourth instalment: due May 31
Property owners can choose to pay their rates earlier. Council also offers direct debit flexibility for ratepayers who prefer to make regular smaller payments on a fortnightly or monthly basis.
To Make a Rates Payment Click here
Are you experiencing financial hardship?
If payment of your account is causing difficulty we have options to help,
Calculating your Rates
Property valuations are used as the basis for levying Council rates and therefore each property’s contribution to Council’s overall rate revenue is determined by its valuation.
Property values are determined annually by the Victorian Valuer-General, not by Council.
The Warrnambool City Council uses Capital Improved Value (CIV) as its valuation base. CIV = the total market value of the land and any improvements (buildings etc) - for more information refer to the valuation of Land Act 1960.
Calculating rates
The formula for calculating general rates, excluding any additional charges or arrears, is:
General Rates = Valuation x Rate In The Dollar.
(details of the council valuation of your property are displayed on your rate notice).
For example the general rate calculation on a residential property valued at $500,000 and with a rate in the dollar of 0.002580 would be:
Capital Improved Value - $500,000
Rate In the Dollar (Residential) - 0.0027357
$500,000 x 0.0027357 = $1,367.85*
*This figure excludes the Waste Management Service Charge and the Municipal Charge.
Council has determined 2024-2025 Rates and Charges as part of the budget process for the forthcoming year. Your rate notice will show how your rates are calculated, and will include any other charges e.g. waste management/municipal charge.
Special charges
Special rates or charges can be applied by Council to raise funds for a particular purpose or project, provided it meets certain legislative criteria.
Rating Information
Council applies different "rate in the dollar" levels for different types of properties. These are called rating differentials and they are described in the table below.
Rates & Charges (to be confirmed for 2024-2025)
Classification | How rate is applied | Rate in the dollar value |
General residential properties | Cents in $ of CIV | 0.0027357 |
Farm land properties | Cents in $ of CIV | 0.0015423 |
Commercial properties | Cents in $ of CIV | 0.0056230 |
Industrial properties | Cents in $ of CIV | 0.0050195 |
Vacant land rates (residential, commercial and industrial) | Cents in $ of CIV | 0.0042099 |
Recreational land Cat 1 | $ per property | $23,933.00 |
Recreational land Cat 2 | Cents in $ of CIV | 0.0021338 |
Municipal charge | $ per property | $302.75 |
Waste management charge | $ per property | $417.00 |
The Waste Management Charge is for Council's waste management operations and is levied on every improved property within the municipality. It covers domestic household rubbish collection where available, emptying public rubbish bins, public parks and gardens, street sweeping of City Centre and residential areas, cartage of rubbish to Naroghid and operations of Council's recycling program.
Your rates notice
In addition to Council rates, three other items will be listed on your rates notice.
Municipal charge: this is a fixed minimum amount of rates payable by all property owners it is set at $302.75 for the 2024-2025 financial year.
Waste management charge: this charge is for kerbside waste collection and waste management services. It is set at $417 for the 2024-2025 financial year.
Fire Services Levy: this is collected on behalf of the Victorian Government and passed on to the Department of Treasury and Finance to fund Victoria's fire services. It comprises a fixed rate plus a variable rate based on property values.
Short Stay Accommodation
Update February 2024. Property owners who make their properties available for short stay accommodation through platforms including, but not limited to, AirBnB, will no longer be required to pay a $400 fee for the 2024 calendar year.
At its meeting on February 5, 2024, Council resolved not to charge the Short Stay Accommodation Local Law registration fee for 2024. Council also resolved to begin the process that would revoke the Short Stay Accommodation Local Law.
This has been brought about by the introduction of new Victorian Government legislation that will see a 7.5 per cent levy applied to short stay accommodation in 2025.
Why are valuations important?
It provides a new market value for your property – these property valuation are now far more relevant and useful as they more closely reflect current market values. There are new market relativities – this is important because market changes help determine individual property rates and charges. (The new valuation of a property is compared with the new valuations of all the other properties).
Valuation process
The Valuer-General Victoria introduced standard property data requirements for councils, under the initiative known as Valuation Best Practice.
Only qualified valuers – professionals holding recognised tertiary qualifications and with the required practical experience – can perform municipal valuations. They are required to operate under the highest standards of professionalism and ethics – for example, all valuers must declare impartiality before undertaking valuations and undertake to perform all valuations to the best of their ability and judgement.
Valuing a property
Data obtained for each property is determined under Valuation Best Practice guidelines and includes things such as:
- Land area.
- Building size.
- Building condition.
- Construction material.
- Age.
- Available services.
- Topography.
- Land classification (usage) and zoning etc.
Data is compiled on each property over time, through inspection, building and planning permits and other public sources.
The valuer builds a profile of value levels for each different area/property type by analysis of recent sales and leasing. This information is then applied to individual properties, taking into account the different characteristics of each property.
Supplementary Valuations
In certain circumstances, valuations must be performed between general valuations. These are known as supplementary valuations. They are required when properties are:
- Physically changed – eg. when buildings are altered, erected or demolished.
- Amalgamated, subdivided, portions sold off, rezoned or are affected by road construction.
Supplementary valuations are made when required, usually on a regular basis, such as quarterly or monthly.
Valuation Objection
If you disagree with the valuation of your property as shown on your rate notice, you may object.
Objections can be lodged electronically via a portal provided by the Victorian Valuer-General.
Alternatively, hard copy valuation objection forms can be requested by contacting Council’s Customer Service on (03)5559 4800/1300 003 280)
Reasons for objection include:
- The value assigned is too high or too low.
- The interests held by various persons in the land have not been correctly apportioned.
- The apportionment of the valuation is not correct.
- Lands which should be included in one valuation have been valued separately.
- Lands which should be valued separately have been included in one valuation.
- The person named in the notice of valuation assessment notice or other document is not liable to be so named.
You may object against your property's valuation if it appears on subsequent rate notices. Details regarding objection processes appear on the back of your rate notice.
Please keep in mind the Capital Improved Value (CIV) incudes site value, buildings and other improvement.
Note: Objection or appeal does not prevent the recovery of any rate or charge or the charging of interest.
Should you have any queries regarding Valuation Objections please do not hesitate to contact Customer Service on (03) 5559 4800/1300 003 280.
Rights of Appeal
Rates or charges
Under Section 184 of the Local Government Act 1989, a person who is aggrieved by a rate or charge has a right of appeal to the Country Court (within 60 days after first receiving written notice of the rate or charge).
Special rates and charges
A person may apply to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) for a review of a decision of a Council imposing a special rate or charge on that person. Any such appeal must be lodged within 30 days after the issue of the notice to the person of the special rate or special charge (section 185 of the Local Government Act 1989).
Details regarding the specific ground of appeal and further information can be obtained by contacting Council.
Pension Concession
The Local Government Act provides that eligible pensioners shall receive a reduction of rates levied. Application must be made via a form available on the DFFH Website.
When applying for concession, the Pensioner Concession Card or a photocopy of the card must be presented with the application form. Eligible Pension Concession cards
If individual pension details have not changed, it is not necessary to re-apply for the concession each year.
Please note: a Health Care Card does not entitle the holder to a reduction on Council rates. A Low Income Health Care Card may entitle you to a Council rebate.
Municipal Charge - Exemption of single farm enterprise
This application form has been prepared to facilitate applications by persons seeking exemption from the Municipal Charge for Single Farm Enterprises.
Change your details
Council must be advised in writing within one month of any changes to a ratepayer’s address or details of property ownership or occupancy. When ownership of a property changes, liability for payment of rates remains with the owner recorded with Council until a Notice of Disposition is received, either from the person who has sold the property or their representative.