Warrnambool | A City for Living

Sports grounds and facilities

Council owns or manages fifteen sports grounds that provide training and competition venues for the needs of AFL, cricket, netball, hockey, dog training, pony club and soccer clubs.

Ten of the sports grounds are owned by the Crown, four are freehold owned by Council and one is owned by the Department of Education and Training.
 Council aims to provide a range of sport and recreation facilities and services to local clubs, organisations and participants.

If you require any assistance to make a Casual Booking or with Reserve Manager, please contact Recreation Unit, on 03 5559 4800 or by email:

[email protected]

Casual Bookings for Reserves and Facilities

To make a casual booking or all sports grounds, reserves and facilities please visit Reserve Manager HERE

Casual users are required to register and create a Casual Account to make a booking, noting that the User will be responsible for any casual use hire fees charged.

The Reserves Manager – Guide for Casual Hires outlines the process and functionality of the program for casual hirers.

Seasonal Allocation of Sports Grounds

Council operates seasons in accordance with the Determination of Seasons Act. This act stipulates that the summer season runs from 1 October to 31 March and the winter season runs from 1 April to 30 September.

Council uses the IMS Reserve Manager program for the administration and management of Sports Ground Tenant Clubs information, seasonal allocations and bookings.
In accordance with the seasonal allocation of grounds, clubs apply for the use of their nominated ground for training use only for the home and away season. It is the responsibility of the relevant league/association to nominate finals venues and to apply for use of these venues as a casual booking.

The seasonal allocation will open six weeks prior to commencement of season. It is a requirement that the Seasonal Sports Ground application is completed and submitted along with the relevant current public liability insurance certificate two weeks prior to the season.

Please click HERE to access Reserve Manager. The Reserves Manager – Seasonal Clubs Guide outlines the process and functionality of the program for seasonal clubs.