Brierly Reserve Stage One Eastern Oval Redevelopment
After securing $1 million in Victorian Government Funding via the 2022/23 Local Sports Infrastructure Fund, the Warrnambool City Council is delivering Stage One of the Brierly Reserve Eastern Oval Redevelopment.
The project includes:
- Sports ground playing surface upgrade including drainage to achieve a year-round accessible oval.
- Surface realignment to support the development of two natural turf soccer pitches (100m x 65m) situated either side of synthetic cricket wicket.
- Installation of sports ground lighting to achieve minimum 200lux, to meet Australian Standard AS 2560.1 & AS 2560.2.3. Lighting compliant for Football Victoria’s semi-professional competition and professional training requirements.
- Sports ground sub surface irrigation and connection to the existing bore.
- Relocate the synthetic cricket wicket between the soccer pitches to meet run off compliance with Football Victoria.
The existing cricket practice nets, playground and public barbeque and amenities are to be retained in their current location, enabling the cricket club to continue operating and further developing participation outcomes for everyone.

Project Timeline:
October 2022: The Victorian Government announces $1 million in funding via its Local Sports Infrastructure Fund.
April 2023: The old pavilion is demolished to make room for the larger playing surface. Detailed design work is under way.
November 2023: Council awards the Field of Play construction contract to Duggan Civil Pty Ltd. Council advertises tender for electrical component of the project.
December 2023: Construction begins.
By June 2024: Brierly Reserve Stage One Eastern Oval Redevelopment is completed.
Project Outcomes
This project will:
- enable and activate participation in soccer and cricket, especially for women and girls.
- increase overall participation in South West Victoria, especially for women and girls
- increase the number of high quality playing fields in the region
- provide safe and suitable facilities for all participants, both male and female
- meet the current and future demands of the South West Victorian Football Association and the local football community
- provide opportunities to host significant high level events, such as CLFA country championship tournaments and National Premier League fixtures.
Project Budget
Total $2.57 million (including GST)
Victorian Government $1 million
Warrnambool City Council $1.57 million
Project background
Brierly Reserve Master Plan: Phase 1 Consultation report
Brierly reserve Master plan: Background report August 2012
About Brierly Reserve
Usage considerations:
- Casual hire requests will need to consider the type of oval activity required, some restrictions may apply form October to March inclusive due to the synthetic and turf wickets. Usage may also be impacted in late 2023 and the first half of 2024 as the Stage One Redevelopment of the Eastern Oval is carried out.
28 Moore Street, Warrnambool
The Reserve caters for cricket and dog training, with the Brierly Christ Church Cricket Club participating in the Warrnambool and District Cricket Association.
Features: Public toilet, picnic shelter, playground, shared pathways, cricket training nets, sports oval.