The Parenting and Children’s services team offer a range of support and services to the families with children from birth to 18 years.

Parenting Advice and Education Service (PAES).

Parenting Advice and Education Services is available to assist parents and caregivers to improve and build on positive parent/child relationship.  The evidence based programs are delivered free by trained facilitators from the Parenting and Children’s Services Team.   Referral into these programs can come from a professional service provider, or a self-referral by contacting the Parenting and Children’s Services Coordinator Jaclyn Maroney –  or phone 5559 4747.

The evidence based programs that PAES deliver include

Download the Parenting Advice and Education Services Flyer here

General Parenting Support

The Parenting and Children’s Services team offer a Free and Confidential services to families in the South West, who would like support to meet their parenting goals.  The Service is primarily offered as “over the phone” consultation, where your allocated practitioner will set a parenting goal and offer you strategies and support to implement into your parenting routine.  This service is not for complex situations, if you would like support to get a Child Wellbeing referral to The Orange Door, your allocated practitioner will be able to support you with this.

Referral into this service can come from a professional service provider, or a self-referral by contacting the Parenting and Children’s Services Coordinator Jaclyn Maroney –  or phone 5559 4747.  

General Enquiry Form

General Enquiry

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Supported Playgroup

Smalltalk Supported Playgroups are a free program for families across Victoria with children from birth to school age.

At Supported Playgroups, parents and children enjoy a range of fun play opportunities and activities together. Parents also find out about local services and support networks in the community. Eligibility criteria applies.

Smalltalk is a set of evidence-based strategies and resources that are shared with parents by a qualified facilitator during the course of a Supported Playgroup.

Some parents are also eligible for In-Home Support to help them use the Smalltalk strategies in their homes. In-Home Support involves a qualified facilitator visiting a family in their own home. Parents participating in In-Home Support may also be attending a Supported Playgroup. During these home-based sessions, parents see practical examples of the Smalltalk strategies, and have the opportunity to practice these ideas with guidance from a qualified facilitator.

Integrated Family Services

Integrated Family Service is a FREE and confidential program available to all families in the South West. 

Family services aim to promote the safety, stability and development of vulnerable children, young people and their families, from birth to 17 years of age, by providing case work service and linking families with relevant support services.

Download the Integrated Family Services Brochure here
Referrals can be made for vulnerable children, young people (0 to 17 years) and their families, including families with an unborn child to The Orange Door Warrnambool.

More information and referral to access Child Wellbeing support please contact

The Orange Door
PH: 1800 271 180
Visit: 571 Raglan Parade Warrnambool.

You should contact Child Protection if you have reasonable grounds for believing a child has suffered or is suffering significant harm.

Parenting Assessment & Skill Development Service (PASDS)

The Parenting Assessment and Skill Development Service is a specialist service for high risk infants aged from birth to 3 years.   This service is access through Child Protection referral ONLY.
The PASDS program is an intensive in home or in-venue parenting assessment followed by a report that is provided to the Child Protection Case Manager.

Client Feedback and /or Complaints Form                     

To give general Feedback or lodge a complaint, please get in touch by completing the form below;

Client Feedback and/or Complaints Details

I am a
I would like this dealt with as
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Triple P Parenting Online

Positive Parenting Program is a Free online service that you can access from the comfort of your own home. 

You choose when, where and how you would like to complete the Triple P Online parenting course.

Find us on Facebook

For the latest news on our children's programs, be sure to 'Like' the Warrnambool City Council Children's and Family Services Facebook page


Children's Services Centre
Swan Reserve
600 Raglan Parade, Warrnambool
Phone: (03) 5559 4747
Fax: (03) 5559 4900