In 2024-2025 work will begin on a major upgrade to Wollaston Road which will see the addition of two new roundabouts, footpaths, bike lanes and a tree-lined centre median.
Bus stops, parking lanes, lighting and kerb and channel will also be installed.
The new roundabouts will be at the Sommerville Boulevard and Goodall Street intersections with Wollaston Road.
Work on the first two stages of the project – from Caramut Road to Roaches Road and from Sommerville Boulevard to Merri River School will begin in the second half of 2024.
Wollaston Road is a key east-west thoroughfare for a growing part of North Warrnambool and was identified in the North of the Merri River Structure Plan as requiring an upgrade.
Nearby residential developments have reached a size that has triggered the project.
Work is expected to be completed in mid-2025.
Timing of the remaining sections, from Roaches Road to Sommerville Boulevard and Merri River School to Walls Road, will depend on the progress of the remaining housing developments.
Eventually, Wollaston Road between Walls Road and Wiltshire Street will have a centre median along with bike lanes and footpaths on both sides.
From Wiltshire Street to Caramut Road there won’t be a centre median but there will be bike lanes on both sides of the road and a footpath on the south side.
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