Warrnambool | A City for Living

Public Land manager consent request

Use this form to get consent before carrying out works on a property your group uses and Council owns or manages. This is comparable to a tenant asking the landlord permission to carry out work.

If the property is Crown Land you may also require land owner consent or consent under the Marine and Coastal Act 2018 from the Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change to be obtained via the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning.
For information or enquiries contact [email protected]


By telling us about your project as part of this form, we will:

  • Consider the details
  • Let you know if we need more clarification or more details
  • Let you know the outcome - within 28 days, excluding time you need to prepare and submit extra details.

If your group is likely to carry out a series of works or projects for the same property over 12 months, complete this application form once with all details.

Before you start

To help you complete this form, there are important details that you need to be clear on and have on hand including:

  • Details about discussions with a Council officer and who you spoke to
  • Who will carry out works
  • Project details
  • Plans

Please submit the application on the form provided above. Complete and send with any document attachments to [email protected]

Important points to note

Applications for planning permits will not be processed without Public Land Manager Consent.

Works must not commence without consent, in writing, from Council. Your group risks costly rectification works to remove or make good any non-compliant, illegal or non-conforming works, or fines, and may be exposed to public liability claims for damages to persons or property arising from any unauthorised works.


Links to approvals that may also be required for your project to proceed:

Planning Permits

Building Permits