If you have any questions in relation to planning or wish to arrange a pre-application with a Town Planner, please contact Planning Support on 5559 4800 or planning@warrnambool.vic.gov.au
Our City Development Team is responsible for assessing and enforcing planning permit applications in accordance with the Warrnambool Planning Scheme. The team also coordinates the issue of subdivision permits and the release of plans of subdivision.
Our City Strategy Team is responsible for the development and implementation of strategies, policies and frameworks in accordance with the future vision of the Council. The team also coordinates and prepares amendments to the Warrnambool Planning Scheme to implement Council’s directions and initiatives.
The Warrnambool Planning Scheme sets out where developments and uses require a planning permit.
There are a variety of instances where you may need a planning permit such as:
- The subdivision of land.
- The removal or lopping of native vegetation.
- Construction of outbuildings (sheds and garages).
- Construction and works relating to a dwelling on a lot less than 300m² in a residential area.
- The construction and use of a dwelling in many rural and rural residential areas.
- Development and use of a multi-unit development.
- Changing the use of the land - setting up a new business.
- Constructing, altering and sometimes painting a building located within a Heritage Overlay.
- Demolition of a building in a Heritage Overlay.
- Commencing or expanding a business without sufficient on site car parking.
- Constructing a tennis court or swimming pool.
- Applying for a new liquor licence or extending an existing licence.
A planning permit is a legal document that gives permission for a use or development on a particular piece of land. To obtain a permit, an application must be made to Council. If Council agrees with the proposal, it will grant a planning permit.
- Planning permit application
- Application to amend Planning permit
- Planning and Environment fees
- Application for a Time Extension
- Objection to a Planning Permit
- Secondary Consent Application
- Application for Amending or Ending a Section 173 Agreement
- Section 50 & 57 Request for Amendment to a Planning Permit
- Request for a Certificate of compliance
- Form A - Request for Fee Waiver or Rebate
Preparing a planning permit application
Step 1: Find out if a permit is required
Talk to a Council planner to find out whether a permit is required, what information must be provided with the application, and what relevant policies and provisions Council will use to assess it.
Different information will need to be provided for different types of permit applications and might include site plans, elevation drawings or a written report.
Step 2: Fill out the application form
When lodging your application, you must submit the following items:
- A completed Application Form (which you can download via the link above).
- The Fee applicable to the application (An invoice will be emailed upon lodgement).
- A recent copy of Title no more than three months old) including details of any covenants and/or Section 173 Agreements affecting the land.
- A written summary of what you propose.
- Site plan drawn to scale.
- Elevation plans drawn to scale.
- Any photos you have of the site.
- Any other information required by the Warrnambool Planning Scheme in relation to the type of application being made.
You should provide all of the required information when you submit the application to enable your application to be expedited.
Step 3: Submit the application
Try to lodge the application with the council planner you discussed the proposal with. Get them to check that all the necessary information is provided. Council also accepts electronic lodgement of subdivision applications through SPEAR.
You will receive an acknowledgment letter from Council. The Council planner will check the application and advise you (in writing) within a reasonable time if more information is required. If more information is required, you should provide it promptly or the application won’t be processed further.
The application is a public document and is available for inspection at the Council offices. So that people who may be affected by the proposal can understand what’s proposed, copies of plans may be made available to them.
Having your say
If you are affected by a planning permit application, you can influence what is proposed and what gets approved. Any person can inspect the plans and make a submission about an application if they have concerns about it, and an objector also has the right to have a planning decision reviewed.
Objections must be made in writing to Council, clearly stating the reasons for the objection and how you would be affected if a permit was granted. The objection must include the subject site and planning application number, a contact name, postal address and daytime telephone number.
You can write a letter or complete an Objection Form (which you can download via the link above). Objections should be received before the end of the 14 day notification period.