The below summary is unconfirmed until the Minutes of the July 5 Meeting are accepted by Council.
1. Opening Prayer & Original Custodians Statement
2. Apologies
Request for Leave of Absence
Cr Taylor moved and Cr Arnott seconded that Cr Paspaliaris’ request for a leave of absence from August 9 until October 11, 2021, be approved. Council supported the request (7-0)
3. Confirmation of Minutes
Council confirmed the Minutes of the Scheduled Meeting of Council held on 7 June 2021 and the Additional Meeting of Council held on 28 June 2021 (7-0)
4. Declaration by Councillors and Officers of any Conflict of Interest in any Item on the Agenda
5. Mayoral Presentation
6. Public Question Time
The Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey is conducted annually.
It is coordinated by the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions on behalf of Victorian councils.
The survey is a measure of perceptions of how Council is performing.
It covers a range of services with a focus on core measures of overall performance, consultation and engagement, community decisions, sealed local roads, waste management, customer service and overall council direction.
The 2021 results show dramatic improvement on the 2020 survey (refer Attachment 1)
Every core measure improved with the greatest shift being in overall Council direction which moved from an all-time low of 32 to an equal all-time high of 59.
Council supported the following recommendations (7-0):
That Council acknowledges the survey results and make the survey publicly available on the Council website.
Following a review undertaken of Council Advisory Committees, Council at its meeting held on 3 May 2021 resolved to call for nominations from community members to be appointed to Council’s five advisory committees following the expiration of the previous four-year term of appointments.
Council at least once in its term seeks community representation from suitably qualified and interested parties to share their knowledge and improve the overall service provision to the community through these selected specialist committees.
Expressions of interest from community members for the advisory committees were advertised in the Warrnambool Standard on 8 and 15 May 2021 with details also advertised on Council’s website and social media. A total of 26 nominations were received for the five advisory committees.
Council will also need to review the Councillor appointments and the appointment of Chairpersons as part of this current process.
Copies of the draft Terms of Reference for each Advisory Committee are also attached with the Terms of Reference recommending that Five (5) skill-based members be appointed by Council to each Advisory Committee -– refer Attachments 1 – 5
Council supported the following recommendation (7-0):
That Council:
a) Appointment the following community member nominees, Chairpersons and Councillor appointments to the 5 Advisory Committees for the period 5 July 2021 to 31 May 2025:
Community & International Relations Advisory Committee
1. David McKenzie
2. Les Gardiner
3. Greta Perry
4. Geoff Spencer
5. Cr. Otha Akoch- Chairman
Economic Development & Tourism Advisory Committee
1. Leanne Williams
2. Martin Ellul
3. Penny Irons
4. Kate Lindsay
5. Paul Dillon
6. Cr. Debbie Arnott – Chairman
7. Cr. Max Taylor
Environment & Sustainability Advisory Committee
1. Jeff Moreland-Hunt
2. Sabine Schreiber
3. Geoff Spencer
4. Bill Yates
5. Shirley Duffield
6. Cr. Richard Ziegeler - Chairman
Planning Advisory Committee
1. Leanne Williams
2. Jeff Moreland-Hunt
3. Fiona Golding
4. William Welsh
5. John McNeill
6. Cr. Angie Paspaliaris - Chairman
South West Victorian Livestock Exchange Advisory Committee
1. David Thompson
2. Dr Michael McCluskey
3. Jim Doukas
4. Rodney Boyle
5. Dan Carey
6. Cr. Vicki Jellie
7. Cr. Ben Blain
NOTE: The independent Chair for the South West Victorian Livestock Exchange Advisory Committee will be appointed at the first meeting of the Advisory Committee in accordance with the Terms of Reference.
b) Adopt the draft Terms of Reference for the individual Advisory Committees.
Council has an opportunity to review and adopt new projects brought to their attention by the community under the Community Small Infrastructure Fund on a quarterly basis or as required.
Officers compile a list of projects provided from initiatives within the Community that are assessed as providing community benefit under the programs established criteria. Councillors are presented the projects for consideration during a Councillor briefing.
For a project to proceed to implementation it must be considered and decided upon at a Council meeting
The balance of the Community Small Infrastructure Fund after the allocation to previously approved projects is estimated at $846,487. This sum represents a total prior to the consideration of these projects.
The 2021/22 budget has an allocation of $365,712 which is in addition to the current estimated balance of $846,487 and provides an estimated total available balance of $1,212,199.
Council supported the following recommendations (7-0):
That Council allocate the following amounts from the Community Small Infrastructure Fund:
Warrnambool Croquet Club - Veranda Roof - $20,000
BMX Track Concrete Surfacing - $150,000
Warrnambool Theatre Group - Extension to Goodwin Hall - $110,000
Russell Creek Cricket Club - Jetty Flat Oval Rabbit Exclusion Fence - $80,000
The Dragon Boat Club - Storage Shed - $70,000
It is a requirement of the Local Government Act 2020 that councils have in place Asset Management Plans (AMP) to strategically manage their assets.
AMPs are a key document in Council’s Asset Management Framework, sitting under the Policy and Strategy.
Council does not currently have a Tree Asset Management Plan.
This AMP has been developed in accordance with best practice and principles, informed by workshops identifying service manager needs, known tree health and risk information, and existing operational and maintenance practices.
The plan outlines what it costs to deliver the current level of service, if this is being met and what the risks are of not meeting these requirements.
The w2040 has aspirational targets of tree canopy cover which needs a large increase in investment to meet.
The AMP looks at financial requirements over the next 15 years, both capital and recurrent.
All financial values are in today’s dollars, and not indexed for CPI. Increase in future years is typically due to an increase in asset base.
As this is the first Tree AMP, some assumptions are made. These will be refined along with completing other Improvement Actions on future iterations of the Plan.
This Plan has been endorsed by the Asset Management Steering Committee.
The AMP must go through community consultation prior to adoption by Council.
Council supported the following recommendations (7-0):
That Council:
1. Agrees to advertise the draft Tree Asset Management Plan 2021 for public comment for a period of not less than 28 days.
2. Receives a future report to adopt the Tree AMP which summarizes any submissions and amendment made to the document.
It is a requirement of the Local Government Act 2020 that councils have in place Asset Management Plans (AMP) to strategically manage their assets.
AMPs are a key document in Council’s Asset Management Framework, sitting under the Policy and Strategy.
Council does not currently have a Road Asset Management Plan.
This AMP has been developed in accordance with best practice and principles, informed by
workshops identifying service manager needs, known road condition and risk information, and existing operational and maintenance practices.
The plan outlines what it costs to deliver the current level of service, if this is being met and what the risks are of not meeting these requirements.
For the road infrastructure managed by Council, the Council Plan has aspirational targets for “building infrastructure that best meets current and future community needs”; and “advocating for and improving infrastructure including transport, services and digital infrastructure” which requires a substantial increase in investment to meet.
The AMP looks at financial requirements over the next 15 years, both capital and recurrent.
All financial values are in today’s dollars, and not indexed for CPI. Increase in future years is typically due to an increase in asset base.
As this is the first Road AMP, some assumptions are made around timing and cost where there has been no supporting strategy or Council resolution. These will be refined along with completing other Improvement Actions on future iterations of the plan.
This Plan has been endorsed by the Asset Management Working Group.
The AMP must go through community consultation prior to adoption by Council.
Council supported the following recommendations (7-0):
That Council:
1. Agrees to advertise the draft Road Asset Management Plan 2021 for public comment for a period of not less than 28 days.
2. Receives a future report to adopt the Road AMP which summarises any submissions and amendment made to the document.
A public tender was advertised on Saturday 8 May 2021 inviting tender submissions from suitably qualified and experienced contractors to carry out works to reconstruct the main Lake Pertobe Carpark.
Close of tenders was 2:00pm 11 June 2021 and submissions have been assessed by the tender assessment panel.
The recommendation is to proceed with the tender offer provided by Duggan Civil Pty Ltd for the tendered amount of $409,728 Ex. GST, with a total delegated award value of $450,700.80 Inc. GST.
Council supported the following recommendations (7-0):
That Council
1. Award Contract No. 2021024 Construction of Lake Pertobe Carpark to be awarded to Duggan Civil Pty Ltd for the tendered amount of $409,728 Ex. GST, with a total delegated award value of $450,700.80 Inc. GST.
2. That the schedule of rates offered is accepted to undertake any extra works over and above the lump sum price if required, provided that additional works can be accommodated within the Project budget.
3. Authorise the CEO to sign, seal and vary the contract as required.
A public tender was advertised, inviting submissions from suitably qualified and equipped companies to carry out construction works required for the Lake Pertobe Playspace and Waterplay at Lake Pertobe Reserve.
Close of tenders was on Friday 7 May 2021 and a Tender Evaluation Panel met and evaluated the tender responses in accordance with the evaluation criteria set out in the Procurement Management Plan.
Of the lump sum tenders received, only two were under the Project Budget of $1,900,000.00 excluding GST.
The Tender Evaluation Panel recommends that Landstruct Landscape Constructions Pty Ltd be awarded Tender No. 2021036 – Construction of Lake Pertobe Playspace & Waterplay.
Council supported the following recommendations (7-0):
That Council:
1. Accept the tender submission from of Landstruct Landscape Constructions Pty Ltd for the tendered amount of $1,776,613.50 ex. GST and a delegated limit to the CEO of $1,925,000.00 ex GST.
2. Authorise the CEO to sign and seal the contract documents.
3. Authorise the Director City Infrastructure to approve variations following the award of the Contract.
This report contains the record of one Reference Group meeting.
- Warrnambool Airport Reference Group Meeting – 7 June 2021 – refer Attachment 1.
Council supported the following recommendations (7-0):
That the Minutes of the Warrnambool Airport Reference Group meeting held on 7 June 2021, be received.
Section 80A(2) of the Local Government Act 1989 required the record of an Assembly of Councillors to be reported at an ordinary Council meeting.
Assembly of Councillor Records are no longer a requirement in the Local Government Act 2020 as of 24 October 2020. However, under Council’s Governance Rules, a summary of the matters discussed at the meeting are required to be tabled at the next convenient Council meeting and recorded in the minutes of that Council meeting.
The record of the following Informal Meetings of Council are enclosed:-
- Tuesday 15 June 2021 – refer Attachment 1.
- Monday 28 June 2021 – refer Attachment 2.
Council received the report (7-0).
7.10 Mayoral & Chief Executive Council Activities – Summary Report
Council received the report (7-0).
8. Notice of Motion
9. General Business
10. Urgent Business
11. Close of Meeting