Meeting Date:
Supporting Documents:

For more information and appendices for each item, view the Council Meeting Agenda and Attachments above.

The below summary is unconfirmed until the Minutes of the March 7 Meeting are accepted by Council.

1. Opening Prayer & Original Custodians Statement

2. Apologies


3. Confirmation of Minutes

That the Minutes of the Scheduled Meeting of Council held on 7 February 2022 be confirmed.

4. Declaration by Councillors and Officers of any Conflict of Interest in any Item on the Agenda

Cr Jellie and Cr Taylor Declared a Conflict of Interest in Item 7.9

5. Mayoral Presentation

6. Public Question Time


The Warrnambool Harbour Reference Group (the Group) is an advisory group to the Council which was established in 2014 as part of the Harbour Master Plan development.

The Terms of Reference for the Group were due for review on 1 January 2022.

Upon review of the Terms of Reference, it was determined that the purpose of the Group no longer aligns with the purpose of its establishment or the current Council Plan.

The Warrnambool Harbour Reference Group has made a valuable contribution to support the delivery of the Harbour Master Plan and related works and activities of Council in and around the Harbour. After assessing the ongoing requirement for the Group, it has, however, been concluded that the initial need for the Group has been realised, and it is recommended that the Warrnambool Harbour Reference Group be discontinued.

Council supported the following recommendations (7-0):

That Council:

1. Terminate the Warrnambool Harbour Reference Group.

2. Acknowledge and thank present and former members of the Warrnambool Harbour Reference Group for their contributions.

3. Notify all relevant parties and persons of the Group’s termination.

4. Investigate and report on options for future communications pertaining to the Warrnambool Port Precinct.


This report reflects on the progress and achievements of a broad range of Activities and Initiatives set out in the Council Plan and Budget for the financial year 2021 –2022.

Whilst Council has followed all health directives of the state government Council has still been able to achieve the continuation of most of its services to the community in some form despite the impacts of COVID-19 and has additionally altered its program focus where appropriate to respond to supporting the community through our program of works.

Council continues to deliver services that respond that keep us safe. This continues to mean rethinking how we provide our services to the community. Council has adapted its service delivery methods with Covid safe plans and has continued to plan for a post COVID future for this community.

The A&I’s underpin activities Council undertakes to work toward the vision 2021 - 2025 of “A thriving city at the heart of coast and country”.

The 5 key objectives that support this vision are:

1. We will be a healthy, inclusive and thriving community with equitable access to services, cultural opportunities and recreational activities.

2. We will protect and strengthen local ecosystems, enhance biodiversity and enable sustainable communities.

3. We will support a resilient local and self-sustaining regional economy that encourages economic growth and provides increased employment opportunities that attract ongoing investment.

4. We will provide high quality places that people value and want to live, work, play and learn in

5. We will be recognized as a collaborative Council and a high-performing organization that enables positive outcomes for Warrnambool’s community, environment and economy and for Victoria’s Southwest.

Council supported the following recommendation (7-0):

That the Activities & Initiatives 2021 – 2022: October – December (Quarter 2), be received.


The permit application was received 15 July 2021 and the application fee was paid on 21 July 2021.

The proposal is for buildings and works and the construction and display of business identification signage in association with the construction of a convenience restaurant within the Northpoint Shopping Centre on the existing undeveloped, vacant grassed area in the south west corner of the site.

The permit application was supported by plans and a Traffic Impact Assessment Report (TIAR).

The application was subject to public notice from 7 September 2021 for a period of two (2) weeks.

Eleven (11) objections have been received to the application.

The proposal is able to be supported subject to a condition requiring amended plans be submitted to address queuing within the car park at the entrance to the drive-thru area of the restaurant in order to reduce potential congestion within the existing car parking area associated with the existing shopping centre and the provision of a designated ambulance parking bay being detailed on the plans.

It is proposed to issue a Notice of Decision to grant a permit with conditions.

Council did not support the following recommendations (2-5):

That Council having caused notice of Planning Application PP2021-0197 to be given under

Section 52 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 (the Act) and having considered all the matters required under Section 60 of the Act decides to issue a Notice of Decision to Grant a

Permit under the relevant provisions of the Warrnambool Planning Scheme in respect of the land known and described as Lot 1 TP 889015N, 1/72 Mortlake Rd WARRNAMBOOL VIC 3280, for ‘buildings and works and the construction and display of business identification signage in association with the construction of a convenience restaurant’ subject to  14 conditions.


An application to amend planning permit PP2015-0185 has been submitted to Council to vary an existing café/restaurant liquor licence to a ‘general’ and ‘packaged’ liquor licence, increase the red-line (licenced) area, extend trading hours and include the display of business identification signage at 216-218 Timor Street, Warrnambool (Dart & Marlin).

Public notice and referral has been carried out and five (5) objections from surrounding property owners/ occupiers have been received.

The detail contained within the application is sufficient to enable Council to support the proposal against the relevant provisions of the Warrnambool Planning Scheme.

Council supported the following recommendation (6-1):

That Council having caused notice of Planning Application No. PP2015-0185.01 to be given under Section 52 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 (the Act) and having considered all the matters required under Section 60 of the Act issues a Notice of Decision to Grant a permit under the relevant provisions of the Warrnambool Planning Scheme in respect of the land known and described as Lot 1 TP 24140M, 216-218 Timor St WARRNAMBOOL VIC 3280, to ‘vary a liquor licence to general and packaged liquor, increase the red line area, extend trading hours, and display signage’ in accordance with the endorsed plans, subject to 16 conditions.


The permit application was received 5 March 2021.

The proposal is for a two (2) lot subdivision.

The application was subject to public notice from 12 April 2021 for a period of two (2) weeks.

Seven (7) objections have been received. The objections were contained in a single submission that had seven (7) signatories.

The proposal is able to be supported and it is proposed to issue a Notice of Decision to grant a permit..

Council supported the following recommendation (6-1):

That a Notice of Decision to Grant a permit be issued for a two (2) lot subdivision at 61 Grieve Street, Warrnambool.


The Middle Island Project Committee was endorsed by Council in October 2021.

The Committee includes a position for a Community Representative.

Expressions of Interest for the Community Representative were sought in December 2021.

Submissions have been assessed and it is recommended that Zoe Brittain is appointed to the Committee.

Council supported the following recommendation (7-0):

That Council appoint Zoe Brittain to the Community Representative on the Middle Island Project Committee.


Council has undertaken a feasibility study to assess the potential of connecting Deakin and CBD via priority footpath and cycle path.

The study stated that constructing a rail trail and also an on-road path connecting Deakin and the CBD is achievable and has widespread benefits.

A concrete shared pathway is proposed from Deakin’s Sherwood Station through to Lake Pertobe and the CBD, most of the length would be within the rail corridor and separated from the rail tracks with a park fence.

Well used informal tracks already exist within the proposed route, it’s highly recommended to formalise and complete the route with adequate infrastructure and safety improvements.

In addition, an on-road shared path is proposed through Deakin- Raglan Parade- Simpson St - Verdon St – Rail corridor - Bostock Rd - Nicholson St – Timor St.

While the improvements to the on-road route could be achieved in the short term, there is a section of the proposed rail path that is common to both routes (Simpson St to Bostock St), hence this section has also been recommended for Phase One.

Beneficiaries of the project are extensive and Deakin itself is just one of many destinations identified. The most significant benefit is the connection of East Warrnambool (and one day Allansford) with the CBD.

Council supported the following recommendations (7-0):

That Council:

1. Acknowledges this feasibility study;

2. Considers funding the various stages of the project’s design in future budgets.


The current Waste Minimisation and Resource Recovery Strategy 2017-2021 is due for review.

Additionally, a large number of the actions have been completed such as, the full rollout of the FOGO service, transition to the fourth bin, and a number of other key actions.

The Waste Strategy 2021-2025 – refer Attachment 1 is a forward-looking document with some ambitious aims and objectives. It builds on the completed work of the 2017-2021 strategy and looks to embrace new methods of waste management with a key focus on waste reduction, reducing waste to landfill, exploration of new technologies and extensive community engagement and education programs.

The draft strategy was endorsed by Council and released for community consultation and feedback, from 2/11/2021 to 1/12/2021 via Council’s “Your Say” website, Noticeboard in the Warrnambool Standard and social media.

A total of 10 submissions were received. The submissions are attached - refer Attachment 2.

The attached comments did not necessitate any change to the document as previously presented.

This feedback is vital to inform the Strategy and to actively involve the community on the journey to further improve waste management in the City and the region.

Traditionally, community engagement on waste matters in Warrnambool attracts a lot of discussion, submissions, and interest from the community and the media. The Warrnambool community places a high value on the beauty of the City and our environment.

Warrnambool City Council has been recognised as a leader in waste management initiatives, and the Waste Strategy 2021–2025 is intended to build upon these important achievements and set a direction for future best practice waste management for Warrnambool and the region.

The cost of preparing the strategy was covered within the budget of City Amenity, as the document was drafted entirely “in-house”.

At the time of this report’s submission, data from the 2021 Barwon South West Regional Waste Audit was not available. Results from the 2018 Barwon South West Regional Waste Audit have been included in the Waste Strategy 2021 -2025. The 2021 audit results will be provided to Council when they become available.

Council supported the following recommendation (7-0):

That following the community consultation, Council adopts the Waste Strategy 2021-2025.


The Botanic Local Area Traffic Management draft plan has been completed which incorporates local stakeholders, community within the precinct and Council feedback.

The rationale behind the treatments and locations within the plan are summarised refer Attachment 1.

The Botanic LATM plan background, process and outcomes are presented in the Botanic Precinct LATM developed by Safe Systems Solutions refer Attachment 2.

Once adopted by Council this draft plan and individual elements will continue to be communicated to key stakeholder groups and the wider community, via the various mechanisms included in the communications plan, refer Attachment 3.

Council supported the following recommendations (5-0):

1. That Council adopts the updated the Botanic Local Area Traffic Management plan.

2. That Council seek comment from the key stakeholder groups and the wider community when the various elements of the plan are implemented.

3. That Council continues to accept feedback from the wider community once the adopted plan is released.


The report provides background to the Gender Equality Act 2020 and the objects of the Act. It provides a summary of Warrnambool City Council’s obligations under the Act; and provides statistics and background that supports a commitment to gender equality. It recommends that Council resolves to commit to gender equality through a Statement of Commitment.

Council supported the following recommendation (7-0):

That Council resolve to commit to gender equality through a Statement of Commitment to

Gender Equality as per the attachment.


This report provides background on the Agreements required to enter into a property licence and service level agreement with SWTAFE for the new Learning and Library Hub.

It provides a summary of the key commitments included in the Agreements.

It seeks Council’s delegation for the CEO to enter into such agreements, as well as any other ancillary matters, to ensure the effective completion and opening of the library.

Council supported the following recommendation (7-0):

That the CEO be delegated the authority to enter into the necessary agreements, as well as any other ancillary matters, to ensure the effective completion and opening of the library.


Section 80A(2) of the Local Government Act 1989 required the record of an Assembly of Councillors to be reported at an ordinary Council meeting.

Assembly of Councillor Records are no longer a requirement in the Local Government Act 2020 as of 24 October 2020. However, under Council’s Governance Rules, a summary of the matters discussed at the meeting are required to be tabled at the next convenient Council meeting and recorded in the minutes of that Council meeting.

The record of the following Informal Meetings of Council are enclosed:-

- Monday 14 February 2022 – refer Attachment 1

- Monday 21 February 2022 – refer Attachment 2

- Monday 28 February 2022 – refer Attachment 3

Council received the report (7-0)


Council received the report (7-0).

8. Notice of Motion

9. General Business

10. Urgent Business

11. Close of Meeting