For more information and appendices for each item, view the Council Meeting Agenda and Attachments.
The below summary is unconfirmed until the Minutes of the May 2 Meeting are accepted by Council.
1. Opening Prayer & Original Custodians Statement
2. Apologies
3. Confirmation of Minutes
That the Minutes of the Scheduled Meeting of Council held on 4 April 2022, be confirmed (7-0)
4. Declaration by Councillors and Officers of any Conflict of Interest in any Item on the Agenda
5. Mayoral Presentation
6. Public Question Time
This report reflects on the progress and achievements of a broad range of Activities and Initiatives set out in the Council Plan and Budget for the financial year 2021 –2022.
Whilst following all health directives of the State Government throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Council was able to achieve the continuation of most of its services to the community in some form and additionally altered its program focus, where appropriate, to respond to supporting the community through our program of works.
Council has adapted its service delivery methods with COVID-safe plans and it is positive to see levels of service to the community growing once again to pre-pandemic levels.
The A&I’s underpin activities Council undertakes to work toward the vision 2021 - 2025 of “A thriving city at the heart of coast and country”.
Council supported the following recommendation (7-0):
That the Activities & Initiatives 2021 – 2022: January – March (Quarter 3), be received.
7.2. COUNCIL PLAN 2021-2025 (2022 REVISION)
The Local Government Act (2020) requires Council to prepare and adopt a four-year Council Plan following a general election.
The Plan is reviewed annually.
The Council Plan is the feature document in Council’s suite of strategic planning documents, formulated to guide the work of Council over a four-year period.
The Council Plan is strongly aligned with the long-term community plan, Warrnambool 2040, on which Council is a major partner.
Over recent months, Council has reviewed the Council Plan. The annual review is a fine-tuning of the plan and does not discount the work done by the community in helping to prepare the first iteration of the plan.
The vision for Warrnambool – a thriving city at the heart of coast and country – remains unchanged along with the plan's objectives which are:
1. A healthy community: we will be a healthy, inclusive and thriving community with equitable access to services, cultural opportunities and recreational activities.
2. A sustainable environment: we will protect and strengthen local ecosystems, enhance biodiversity and enable sustainable communities.
3. A strong economy: we will support a resilient local and self-sustaining regional economy that encourages economic growth and provides increased employment opportunities that attract ongoing investment.
4. A connected, inclusive place: we will provide high quality places that people value and want to live, work, play and learn in.
5. An effective Council: we will be recognised as a collaborative Council and a high-performing organisation that enables positive outcomes for Warrnambool’s community, environment and economy and for Victoria’s South West.
A number of activities and initiatives have been revised to reflect the completion of projects and any additional work being done to fulfil the plan’s objectives. The actions and initiatives may be added to in response to community and councillor feedback during the exhibition period to represent our key strategic initiatives most accurately.
Council supported the following recommendation (7-0):
That Council approve the release of the Council Plan 2021-2025 (draft 2022 revision) for community discussion.
Section 94 of the Local Government Act 2020 provides that Council must prepare and adopt a Budget for each financial year and the subsequent 3 financial years.
Section 96 of the Local Government Act 2020 provides that Council must develop the budget in accordance with its community engagement policy.
The Budget is informed by the vision and objectives of the Council Plan.
Warrnambool: A Beautiful city in the heart of the coast and country.
1. A healthy community
2. A sustainable environment
3. A strong economy
4. A connected, inclusive place
5. An effective Council
The Council Plan is underpinned by the aspirations the community has for itself, for the future, as articulated in the community vision for Warrnambool in 2040.
Resources are allocated to try to best achieve these outcomes for our community in a responsible and sustainable manner.
As required by the LGA and the Local Government (Planning & Reporting) Regulations 2020, and following the best practice guidelines of a model budget, the Draft Budget includes prescribed information, presented according to best practice local government accounting standards:
- Financial Statements
- Statement of Capital Works
- Services and Initiatives funded in the budget.
- Fees and charges
- Rating and borrowing details.
Council is proceeding with the engagement of community around its budget in alignment with its community engagement policy.
Public notice of the draft budget will be given online, through notice in the local daily paper on May 5 and copies of the budget will be made available to view physically at our Service centre for at least 28 days. Persons will be given the opportunity to make submissions online and in writing.
Those members of the public who wish to make a submission to the budget in person, as well as in writing, may do so by applying online or in writing during the submission process.
Submitters wishing to be heard will be asked to attend Council’s Scheduled meeting of June 6, 2022, to speak in support of their submissions.
Council proposes to adopt the Budget, with or without modification, on Monday 27 June 2022.
The budget is set to trying to respond in a balanced way to the impacts of the current pandemic and to our community's emergence to a new state of Covid normal. This budget responds to the continuing balance that is the reality of financial constraints and rising costs facing Council and the need to provide quality services and assets the community to achieve many of the aspirations set out in Warrnambool 2040 Plan and the Council Plan. Council’s budget and the Long-Term Financial Plan are the mechanisms which Council allocates resources to achieve the priorities of the community and meet its financial obligations in a sustainable manner.
Council supported the following recommendation (7-0):
That Council:
1. Endorses the Draft Budget 2022- 23 to proceed for community exhibition and feedback in accordance with section 55 of the Local Government Act 2020.
2. Authorise the Director Corporate Strategies to give public notice in accordance with section 94 of the Local Government Act 2020 of Council’s intention to adopt, at an Additional Council meeting proposed to be held at 5.45pm on Monday 27 June 2022, the Budget 2022 – 23 (attached).
3. Pursuant to Section 55 and in accordance with the objectives of Councils’ Community engagement Policy Council will consider, and if requested in writing, hear any submissions received in relation to the Draft Budget 2022 - 2023, at its Scheduled Council meeting on Monday 6 June 2022 at 5.45 pm.
This Finance Report compares actual financial results to budget for the 9 months from 1 July 2021 to 31 March 2022 - refer Attachment 1.
The report sets out financial results for Councils recurrent (day to day operations) Projects, Capital Works, Rates and Loan activities.
Year to date forecasts are profiled to reflect the timing of cash inflows and outflows. Overall the actual results indicate a favourable financial position of $0.811m when compared to the YTD Forecast.
Council supported the following recommendation (7-0):
That the Finance Report for the 9 months ending 31 March 2022 be received.
The Audit & Risk Committee (the Committee) is an independent advisory committee established under section 54 of the Local Government Act 2020.
The charter for the Audit & Risk Committee stipulates that the Council must appoint the Chairperson.
The current Chairperson of the Committee, Mr Dennis Farley, has decided to retire from the Chairperson role and the Committee.
The retirement was known in advance and a succession plan was put in place to recruit for the vacant role in November 2021.
As a result of the succession plan, there is a vacancy for the Chairperson role but the Committee has the required number of independent members.
Council supported the following recommendations (7-0):
1. That Mr Leon Fitzgerald be appointed as the Chairperson of the Audit and Risk Committee.
2. That Council acknowledges the contribution of Mr Dennis Farley over his 3 and a half year tenure on Warrnambool City Council’s Audit and Risk Committee, including time spent as Chair of the committee and that Council thanks him for his service to the Warrnambool community in this role.
Council has an opportunity to review and adopt new projects brought to their attention by the community under the Community Small Infrastructure Fund on a quarterly basis or as required.
Officers compile a list of projects provided from initiatives within the Community that are assessed as providing community benefit under the programs established criteria. Councillors are presented the projects for consideration during a Councillor briefing.
For a project to proceed to implementation it must be considered and decided upon at a Council meeting
The balance of the Community Small Infrastructure Fund after the allocation to previously approved projects is estimated at $762,835. This sum represents a total prior to the consideration of this project.
Council supported the following recommendations (7-0):
That Council allocate the following amounts, dependent upon relevant planning and
building permits, from the Community Small Infrastructure Fund:
- Old Collegians Football Netball Club spectator shelter - $30,000
The draft Warrnambool Beach Access Strategy provides guidance for Warrnambool’s 33 beach access points between Shelly Beach and Logans Beach, over a 15-year timeframe.
The strategy helps inform council’s capital works and renewal programs and will be used to support future grant and funding applications associated with improving beach access.
A public survey was undertaken in March 2022 and responses have informed the development of the draft plan.
The draft plan has been developed in collaboration with Council staff and key stakeholders and is ready to be released for public comment.
The community, interested parties and key stakeholders will have the opportunity to provide comment on the draft plan, this feedback will inform the final Warrnambool Beach Access Strategy.
Council supported the following recommendations (7-0):
That Council approve the release of the draft Warrnambool Beach Access Strategy for community consultation.
City Strategy and Natural Environment and Sustainability teams have been working with the Council Alliance for a Sustainable Built Environment (CASBE) on a project to elevate ESD targets and implement planning policy into the Planning Scheme.
The project is a collaboration between 31 participating Councils under the leadership of CASBE, who are auspiced by the MAV.
The work closely aligns with the goals and objectives of Green Warrnambool.
There are multiple cost sharing benefits of participating in this project with 30 other Councils.
The costs incurred for Stage 1 was $163,000; Warrnambool City Council’s contribution was $2,685, achieving a cost saving of $160,315. The estimated cost of Stage 2 is $400,000; Warrnambool City Council’s contribution is currently estimated to be $20,000; achieving a cost saving of approx $380,000.
In total, cost savings by participating in a shared collaboration process is potentially in the vicinity of $540,695.
Stage 1 of the project has been completed which comprised substantial research that aims to deliver revised and elevated ESD targets for new development, including targets for zero carbon development - refer to Attachment 1 for a summary of the research undertaken and summary of the consultants’ reports.
Stage 2 of the project seeks to implement the policy into the Planning Schemes of the participating Councils in a collective manner, via a ‘GC’ Amendment which provides one process to amend the different Council’s planning schemes at the same time. Again, delivering substantial cost savings to Council by participating in a collective Planning Scheme Amendment process.
Council supported the following recommendations (7-0):
That Council:
1. Pursuant to sections 8A and 8B of the Planning and Environment Act 1987, seek authorisation from the Minister for Planning to prepare an Amendment to the Warrnambool Planning Scheme as shown in Attachment 5 - draft Particular Provision, to this report.
2. Request that the Minister for Planning establish an advisory committee to advise on the ESD project in accordance with section 151 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.
3. Endorses the reports Sustainability Planning Scheme Amendment – Cost-Benefit Analysis, Frontier Economics (March 2022); Sustainability Planning Scheme Amendment Background Research, Hansen Partnership (March 2022); Sustainability Planning Scheme Amendment – Background Research Part A Technical ESD and Development Feasibility, HipV Hype (March 2022) as shown in Attachments 2, 3 and 4 to this report, as supporting documents to this Amendment. The reports outline the rationale and evidence which underpin the proposed planning scheme changes.
4. Supports the Ministers Advocacy Letter as shown in Attachment 6 that encourages the Mayor and Deputy Mayor to write to the Minister for Planning and Housing, Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change, and Minister for Local Government and Suburban Development outlining the benefits to the community of introducing zero carbon focused and elevated ESD planning policy into the Planning Scheme, and how this Amendment should be adopted as a part of the State Government’s environmentally sustainable development planning reforms.
5. Supports Warrnambool City Council's participation in an informal community awareness raising communications activities process centrally led by CASBE on behalf of the partner councils.
An application to amend planning permit PP2011-0077 has been submitted to Council to increase the red-line (licensed) area at 1143-1153 Raglan Parade Warrnambool (Raffertys).
The red line area is proposed to extend to the recently approved extensions to the building.
Further, applicant suggest to insert a condition on the planning permit which provide provisions for secondary consent approvals.
The application was subject to public notice from 7/11/2021 for a period of two (2) weeks.
Public notice and referral has been carried out and five (5) objections from surrounding property owners/ occupiers have been received.
The proposal is able to be supported and it is proposed to issue a Notice of Decision to grant the amended planning permit.
Council supported the following recommendations (7-0):
That Council having caused notice of Planning Application No. PP2011-0077.03 to be given under Section 52 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 (the Act) and having considered all the matters required under Section 60 of the Act, issues a Notice of Decision to Grant an amended permit under the relevant provisions of the Warrnambool Planning Scheme in respect of the land known and described as Lot 1 TP162493D, 1143-1153 Raglan Parade WARRNAMBOOL VIC 3280, to increase the red line area in accordance with the endorsed plans and subject to 16 conditions.
The existing policy, titled Street Tree Planting and Management Policy was initially adopted by Council in May 2017 and re-adopted following review in February 2021.
Council resolved to commence a subsequent review of the policy 1 year from the adoption in 2021.
It is proposed to re-name the policy Public Tree Planting and Management Policy to better reflect the management of the entire asset class of trees across the municipality.
The policy should be read in conjunction with the Planting and Management Guidelines that acts as a procedural document to assist in guiding informed decision making, particularly on species selection.
Modifications proposed to the policy include.
- Strengthening of the species selection criteria
- Identifying the appropriate naming of the policy and,
- Referencing the Guidelines document as accompanying documentation.
The attached reviewed policy (refer Attachment 1) is presented to enable it to be advertised for public comment, which will be fed into the final version for adoption by Council.
Council supported the following recommendations (7-0):
That Council approves the release of the draft Public Tree Planting and Management Policy for public submissions prior to adopting.
Council frequently receives requests for additional pathways, many more requests than available funding.
The PPN will assist Council to work with the Community to prioritise renewal, upgrades and new expenditure on footpaths.
Warrnambool 2040 calls for the Principal Pedestrian and Cycling Networks to be developed and imbedded by 2026.
The PPN models pedestrian movements and identifies current and potential usage along routes to key destinations (community centres, shops, schools, public transport, and open space).
Council Officers have prepared a draft document for community consultation that outlines the findings of the modelling and the proposed PPN routes - refer Attachment 1.
Gaps in network for footpaths, pedestrian improvement projects/ safe crossings and other streetscapes are identified and listed in the report.
The first round of community consultation in relation to the development of the PPN was undertaken in July and August 2020, this was to identify key issues of concern for the community.
This information was incorporated into the draft PPN report which was released to the public for the final round of consultation in March 2022. All respondents to the consultation supported improved accessibility of the pedestrian network (travel on foot or with a mobility aid) throughout the city.
Feedback from final round of consultation, which occurred between the March 1 and March 28 2022, has been assessed. Council will work with respondents during the implementation of the PPN. Verification of routes via a neighbourhood approach will ensure community support for the PPN projects - refer Attachment 2.
Amendments have been made to the PPN following comments from the community process - refer Attachment 3.
Council supported the following recommendations (7-0):
That Council:
1. Accept the proposed changes to the draft Principal Pedestrian Network based on community consultation.
2. Council adopt the final Principal Pedestrian Network.
It is a requirement of the Local Government Act 2020 that Councils have in place Asset Management Plans (AMP) to strategically manage their assets.
AMPs are a key document in Council’s Asset Management Framework, sitting under the Policy and Strategy.
Council does not currently have a Waste Management Asset Management Plan.
This AMP has been developed in accordance with best practice and principles, informed by workshops identifying service manager needs, risk information, and existing operational and maintenance practices.
The plan outlines what it costs to deliver the current level of service, if this is being met and what the risks are of not meeting these requirements.
The AMP looks at financial requirements over the next 15 years, both capital and recurrent.
All financial values are in today’s dollars, and not indexed for CPI. Increase in future years is typically due to an increase in asset base.
As this is the first Waste Management AMP, some assumptions are made around timing and cost where there has been no supporting strategy or Council resolution. These will be refined along with completing other Improvement Actions on future iterations of the Plan.
This Plan has been reviewed by the Asset Management Steering Committee.
At the Council meeting on 7 February 2022, the Waste Management Asset Management Plan was approved by Council to be released in draft form for public comment.
The community consultation was undertaken in March 2022 to identify key issues of concern for the community. However, no feedback was received from the community on the draft Waste Management Asset Management Plan.
Council supported the following recommendations (7-0):
That Council receives and adopts the Waste Management Asset Management Plan 2022.
Council is committed to supporting local sporting clubs and recognises that sponsorship and promotional opportunities through signage is important to clubs in raising funds.
It is also important to manage and control the installation of signage to maintain the visual amenity, condition and safety of Council owned and managed facilities and to ensure compliance with clause 52.05 of the Warrnambool Planning Scheme.
The Sporting Reserves Signage Policy has been established to ensure there is a consistent approach to signage and that it does not detract from the visual amenity of the reserve, which is also consistent with the policy direction in Council’s Advertising Signage Policy.
Refer Attachment 1 – Sporting Reserves Signage Policy.
Council supported the following recommendations (7-0):
That the Sporting Reserves Signage Policy be endorsed.
This report contains the records of 1 Advisory Committee meeting and 1 Reference Group meeting.
1. Minutes – Planning Advisory Committee – 16 March 2022 – refer Attachment 1.
2. Minutes - Cycling Reference Group - 16 March 2022 – refer Attachment 2.
Council received the report (7-0)
Section 80A(2) of the Local Government Act 1989 required the record of an Assembly of Councillors to be reported at an ordinary Council meeting.
Assembly of Councillor Records are no longer a requirement in the Local Government Act 2020 as of 24 October 2020. However, under Council’s Governance Rules, a summary of the matters discussed at the meeting are required to be tabled at the next convenient Council meeting and recorded in the minutes of that Council meeting.
The record of the following Informal Meetings of Council are enclosed:-
1. Monday 11 April 2022 – refer Attachment 1
2. Tuesday 19 April 2022 – refer Attachment 2
3. Tuesday 26 April 2022 – refer Attachment 3
Council received the report (7-0)
Council received the report (7-0).
8. Notice of Motion
9. General Business
10. Urgent Business
11. Close of Meeting