Warrnambool is the designated Regional City for south-west Victoria (and located at the western-most point of the Great Ocean Road), providing a hub for retail, services and industry. It is the region’s primary location for employment (18,518 jobs) and businesses (2,916) and provides key amenity and services that cater to surrounding residents, workers and visitors.
With a local population of over 35,000 residents, and a broader regional population catchment of over 100,000 residents in surrounding municipalities, the future growth of Warrnambool will have significant implications across the region.
The Warrnambool Economic Development Strategy 2023-2028 (Strategy or EDS) guides economic growth priorities and actions for Warrnambool City Council (Council) over the next five years. The purpose of this Strategy is to ensure that Warrnambool continues to be a thriving and sustainable Regional City that serves as the key population, employment and tourism hub for the region.
The information in this Strategy is informed by independent research and analysis, as well as consultation with industry representatives, residents, local businesses, Council and Government stakeholders.

Warrnambool Economic Development Strategy 2023-2028
Warrnambool Economic Development Strategy 2023-2028

Additional Strategies

Great South Coast Regional Economic Development Strategy
Great South Coast Regional Economic Development Strategy
Economic Analysis of Food and Fibre in the Great South Coast
Economic Analysis of Food and Fibre in the Great South Coast
Visitor Economy Master Plan for the Great Ocean Road Region 2021-2030
Visitor Economy Master Plan for the Great Ocean Road Region 2021-2030
Great South Coast Food and Fibre Strategy and Action plan
Great South Coast Food and Fibre Strategy and Action plan
Regional Digital Strategy
Regional Digital Strategy

Business Survey

Warrnambool Business Survey Report 2022
Warrnambool Business Survey Report 2022
Pulse Survey 2021
Pulse Survey 2021
Pulse Survey 2020
Pulse Survey 2020

What is Council’s role?

Warrnambool City Council’s role, led by the Economic Development Team, is to inform, educate, engage, collaborate and empower you as stakeholders to be a part of developing agreed initiatives for the city’s new Economic Development Strategy. Once the strategy is endorsed by Council, Economic Development Team will partner and lead the initiatives to achieve the results we all want for our city.