The purpose of Council Meetings is for Council to conduct the business of Council.
Council Meetings are open to the public and community members are welcome to attend and observe proceedings.
Scheduled Council Meetings are usually held on the first Monday of each month. At these meetings Council makes decisions on Council policy, financial and resource allocation, community development, infrastructure and planning requirements.
You can download copies of Council's
Governance Rules and a Guide to Council Meetings
Copies of the Local Law are also available to view at our offices.
To arrange a viewing contact the Manager Governance on 03 5559 4800.
Presentation to Council
Any group or individual can request the opportunity to make a presentation relating to a service or activity of the Council.
A request can be made by initially contacting the Executive Assistant on phone (03) 5559 4814.
Public Question Time
Questions must be submitted by completing the Council Meeting – Public Question Time form
To lodge a question,
visit the Civic Centre at 25 Liebig Street
during business hoursor post it to Warrnambool City Council,
PO Box 198, Warrnambool, 3280.
Council provides an opportunity for members of the public to submit up to two questions at a Scheduled Council Meeting. Questions will be answered at the meeting, or taken on notice and responded to in writing in the following days.
It is a requirement of Council’s Governance (Meeting Procedures) Local Law that questions to Scheduled meetings be in writing.
People with a disability may seek assistance in filling out the form at Council’s customer service centre. However, a person wanting to lodge the form must be able to sign or make their mark on the form.
The cut-off time for receipt of public questions is two hours prior to the commencement of the Meeting.
A question may be disallowed by the Chair if the Chair has determined that:
- the person directing the question, or their representative, is not present in the gallery;
- the question is defamatory, indecent, abusive, offensive, irrelevant, trivial or objectionable in language or substance;
- the question deals with a subject matter already answered;
- the question is aimed at embarrassing a Councillor or Officer or any other person; or
- the question relates to Confidential Information.
Questions should be kept as brief and succinct as possible, using the space provided. If your question is unable to fit into the space provided, it may be more appropriately dealt with by way of a letter to the Council at PO Box 198 Warrnambool, Victoria, 3280 or via email.
No debate on questions asked or answers given is permitted during Public Question Time.
For more information about Council Meeting Public Question Time refer to Clause 36 of Council’s Governance (Meeting Procedure) Local Law located on Council’s website – see Council Meeting Procedures.
Access information
Any group or individual requiring either physical, hearing or vision related assistance to enable participation in meetings held at the Warrnambool Civic Centre may contact Customer Service before the meeting to arrange assistance.
Visit us in person: Warrnambool Civic Centre, 25 Liebig Street Warrnambool
Business Hours: Monday to Friday: 8.30am – 5.00pm
Telephone: (03) 5559 4800
TTY: (03) 5559 4828
Email: [email protected]
Portable hearing assistance device
Portable hearing assistance devices are available for use during Council meetings upon request. Please contact the Executive Assistant on (03) 5559 4800 to arrange a booking.