Warrnambool | A City for Living

Warrnambool Animal Shelter

Warrnambool Animal Shelter

Council operates the Warrnambool Animal Shelter at 23 Braithwaite Street, Warrnambool.

Opening hours: Monday to Saturday 11am to 3pm

Phone: (03) 5559 4591
Email: [email protected] 

Appointments are required for dog adoptions, while walk-ins for cat adoptions are welcome.

Lost pets

Reclaiming a dog or cat $170

If you have lost your pet please contact the Warrnambool Animal Shelter during business hours as your pet may have been collected by our Local Laws team or brought in by a member of the public. 

You and your pet can be quickly reunited if the pet is registered and microchipped. It is much more difficult to get in touch with you if your pet is not registered or microchipped. 

Before taking your pet home, you will be required to pay a reclaim fee ($170 for a dog or cat) and register your pet if it is not currently registered. If your pet is not microchipped or vaccinated this will need to be done before it can come home with you.

If your pet escaped from your property or was at large in the community and collected by the Local Laws team, you may be issued with enforcement notices for failing to keep your animal contained and safe at home.

Finding an animal

Finding a native Australian animal

If you find a native Australian animal contact Wildlife Rescue on 1300 094 535.

If you find a lost animal in the Warrnambool municipality please attend the Animal Shelter during opening hours, Monday to Saturday between 11am and 3pm.

If you find an animal outside these hours please call 5559 4800.

Keeping animals

It is against the law to keep a lost animal. You must report it to Council as soon as possible. All dogs are taken to the Warrnambool Animal Shelter.

If you are interested in keeping the animal let the Warrnambool Animal Shelter staff know. If no one claims the animal in eight days, the Animal Shelter will contact you.

Animal Foster Care

Applications are reviewed regularly and you should receive a response within 48 hours of the application being submitted.

Please note: Foster carers must be 18 years or older.  If you are not 18, please have a guardian complete the application form with you.

Become part of our Warrnambool Animal Shelter foster care program to give our animals a new start to a better life!

The Warrnambool Animal Shelter foster care program gives cats and kittens who are not yet ready for adoption a chance to live and be loved in foster homes.  This exciting program helps to reduce the amount of time animals stay in our Shelter and can provide us with valuable information from the foster families to help prepare the animals for adoption.  Fostering is an incredibly rewarding experience and directly improves the lives of animals.

Warrnambool Animal Shelter provides all food, bedding, litter trays and food bowls during the animals stay in foster care.  The animals will need to be brought into the shelter regularly for check-ups and progress reports.

Pet adoption

Current pets available for adoption

All our animals available for adoption will be desexed, vaccinated and microchipped before joining their new familes. New owners are responsible for registering their pets within the municipality they will call home.

Animal typeSingle adoption feeIn pairs adoption fee
Senior dog (nine-plus years)No feeNo fee
Adult dog (over 12 months)$500$700
Adult dog (six to 12 months)$600$850
Puppy (two to six months)$650$900
Senior cat (10-plus years)No feeNo fee
Adult cat (over six months)$145$145
Kitten (under six months)$235$235
RabbitNo feeNo fee
Guinea pigNo feeNo fee
FerretNo feeNo fee
RatNo feeNo fee
ChickenNo feeNo fee
DuckNo feeNo fee

Surrendering a pet

If you surrender a pet to the animal shelter the following fees apply.

Surrender fees 

Keeping your pet safe

Make sure you:

  • Microchip your pet.
  • Register your pet.
  • Put name tags on your pet with a contact telephone number.
  • Check fences and gates so your pet cannot escape, and
  • Keep your pet inside at night.