Warrnambool | A City for Living

Public Transport


You can catch a bus that will take you almost anywhere around Warrnambool. Below is the main bus company that operates around the City. Please contact them for timetable and fare information.

Transit South West
Phone: (03) 5562 1866
Fax: (03) 5561 1626
Website: www.transitsw.com.au


V/Line is Victoria's largest regional passenger transport operator with a long history of serving its communities through rail and coach services. Please contact them for timetable and fare information for trains arriving and departing Warrnambool station.

Phone: 136 196
Website: www.vlinepassenger.com.au


Viclink provides information on all route bus and train timetables and can be accessed at www.ptv.vic.gov.au

It also includes a journey planner that currently covers all V/Line services and plans to incorporate regional town/city bus services.

Other information on public transport programs and projects in regional Victorian is available from the Department of Infrastructure website: www.economicdevelopment.vic.gov.au


Warrnambool Radio Taxis Pty Ltd
Phone: 131 008
Fax: (03) 5561 1147
Email: [email protected]

13CABS Warrnambool
Phone: 132 227 

Car and bus hire

For full details contact the Visitor Information Centre.

Phone: (03) 1800 637 725 or (03) 5559 4620
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.visitwarrnambool.com.au
Mail: PO Box 198, Warrnambool Victoria 3280
Centre is open 9am - 8pm daily