Warrnambool | A City for Living

Phone survey running until March 2025

News date:

This is the date and time that this news article was published.

If you receive a call from a number with the (03) 9977 prefix, please answer it.

The caller is likely independent research company National Field Services, who will be conducting the annual Community Satisfaction Survey on behalf of the Warrnambool City Council.

The survey will run from January 28 until mid-March, with most Victorian Councils taking part.

The survey takes approximately 15 minutes to complete, with respondents asked about their views of a wide range of Council services.

Warrnambool Mayor Cr Ben Blain said that the survey was an important tool to track Council’s performance annually.

“We welcome all feedback year round, but the benefit of the Community Satisfaction Survey is that the results can be charted over years, as well as compared against similar Councils,” he said.

“This provides us with another way of understanding what the community’s priorities are, where we are performing well, and where there is room for improvement.

“We know that scam calls are on the rise, and there are a few steps you can follow to ensure the callers is genuine.”

•    They will never ask for people by name (they don’t have names)
•    They will always identify as National Field Services and introduce themselves by name (e.g. Kim from National Field Services) 
•    They will always say how long they expect the survey to take
•    Calls will come from a number with the prefix: (03) 9977. This may change over time but they will not call from a mobile number.

Individual responses are confidential, with only the overall results are shared.

This is the only authorised phone survey conducted by the Warrnambool City Council each year. If you are contacted by someone who you believe to be a scammer, please report it to Scamwatch.

How phone numbers are obtained and used for this survey

Phone numbers are obtained from industry-approved databases which are an amalgamation of various lists that people sign up to.

One of the companies that compiles these databases is Sample Pages and you can read more about they do this at www.samplepages.com.au 

National Field Services has information on its website that explains privacy protection measures and the difference between market research and telemarketing. You can read more about this here.