For more information and appendices for each item, view the Council Meeting Agenda above.
The below summary is unconfirmed until the Minutes of the April Meeting are accepted by Council.
1. Opening Prayer & Original Custodians Statement
2. Apologies
Cr Akoch.
3. Confirmation of Minutes
That the Minutes of the Scheduled Council Meeting held on March 4 2024, be confirmed. (6-0)
4. Declaration by Councillors and Officers of any Conflict of Interest in any Item on the Agenda
5. Mayoral Presentation
6. Public Question Time
The Australian Local Government Association National General Assembly will be held in Canberra from 2-4 July 2024. This presents an opportunity for Warrnambool to submit a motion to the National General
Assembly for consideration. This would also support Council’s role as a regional leader and an advocate for our community’s interest.
Issues which Council may submit a motion on are the Regional Airports Funding Program.
Council supported the following recommendation (6-0):
That Council submit the following motion to the July 2024 Australian Local Government Association 2024 National General Assembly: This National General Assembly calls on the Australian Government to reintroduce the Regional Airports Program with at least $200 million dollars of funding.
The Local Government Act 2020 (the Act) requires that Council has a Councillors Gift Policy. Minor changes are recommended to the existing policy to remove ambiguity and further improve standards of governance.
Council supported the following recommendations (6-0):
That Council:
1. Revoke the Gifts Policy (Councillors) 2020 adopted 6 July 2020.
2. Adopt the attached Councillors Gift Policy 2024.
Coastal Connect is a joint project between Corangamite Shire, Moyne Shire, and Warrnambool City Council to deliver a common ICT System. The project is funded primarily by State Government’s “Regional Councils Transformation Program.”
A Joint venture was created between the three councils to oversee the governance and delivery of the project, with Warrnambool City Council acting as the administering council.
A key requirement of the project is to migrate data from the three councils’ existing systems into the new environment to allow continued service delivery. A thorough open market procurement process for this deliverable has been undertaken and the tender responses examined by both the Project Control Group (Key Members – the three Directors of Corporate Strategies and Executive Manager) and approved by the Joint Venture Governance Council (Key Members, the three CEOs, the three Directors, and Executive Manager).
The purpose of this report is for Warrnambool City Council to award the contract for Data Migration Services to the preferred supplier on behalf of the Joint Venture as allowed for by the SWCICTA Joint Venture Agreement.
Council supported the following recommendations (6-0):
That Council:
1. Award Contract No. 2024024 Coastal Connect Data Migration Services to Chartertech for the tendered amount of $386,000 excluding GST on behalf of the SWCICTA for delivery of the Coastal Connect Project. Total Delegated Value - $404,800 including GST.
2. Grant authority to the Chief Executive Officer to approve variations of up to the budgeted amount of an additional $100,000.
The Review of Aged and Disability Services Recommendations Report (Report) is an independent review of Council’s services against the Federal Government reforms into the Commonwealth Home Support Program.
The attached report is the final report in the Review and, read together with the previous reports, seeks to:
1. Inform the Council on the scope and timing of the Commonwealth Government's aged care policy reforms and the potential for these changes to recast the Council’s future role in aged and disability service provision.
2. Enable the Council to decide its future role in aged and disability service provision and confidently and effectively prepare for its future role in aged and disability services.
The Report identifies three possible options for Warrnambool City Council’s future role in aged and disability services. This officers’ report presents a summary of these three options and a recommendation based on the evidence provided by the review.
Option 1: Remain and Diversify - Recommended
Council remains involved in, and diversifies the range of, aged and disability service provision enabling residents to continue to live independently at home and in the community. Council would also expand services to enable clients to maintain their independence by providing an easy transition from CHSP to Home Care Packaged services as people age and become increasingly frail.
Option 2: Remain and Stabilise – An achievable option but not recommended.
Council continues and consolidates its current range of services to meet the future requirements of the ‘Support At Home’ program.
Option 3: Exit all Services – Not recommended.
Council exits all aged and disability services either by 30 June 2025 or 30 June 2027.
Council supported the following recommendations (6-0):
That Council:
1. Notes the Review of Aged and Disability Services Recommendations Report conclusion that the current suite of aged care services provided by Council are financially sustainable.
2. Adopts the recommendation from the independent review to continue with the delivery of Commonwealth Home Support Program services and other existing services through Home and Community Care –Program for Younger People and Department of Veteran Affairs and diversify in the future with inclusion of Home Care Packages in the service mix, to improve financial sustainability.
3. Endorses the implementation of review recommendations to improve service delivery systems and quality assurance to transition the Commonwealth Home Support Progrlam into Support At Home Program from 1 July 2027 onwards.
4. Directs officers to continuously review changes to the Federal and State Funding and the services to ensure that the services operate in a financially sustainable manner.
CCTV Steering Committee meeting was held on 19 February 2024. The minutes are presented as a true and correct record. Attachment 1.
As the Annual CCTV Evaluation Report has been presented to the CCTV Steering Committee on 19 February 2024, the report is presented to Council and agreed to be published on Council's website. The report will also be presented to the Audit and Risk Committee in May. Attachment 2.
The CCTV Policy that was previously adopted on 1 March 2021 was due for review on 1 March 2024.
The Policy has been reviewed internally with minor changes to titles and references. Attachment 3.
The CCTV Policy update was presented to the CCTV Steering Committee on 19 February and the changes were endorsed by the Committee. Following endorsement, it is recommended that the changes be approved by Council.
Council supported the following recommendations (6-0):
1. CCTV Steering Committee meeting minutes from 19 February 2024 provided for Information of Council.
2. That Council note the Annual CCTV Evaluation Report 2023 and agree for the report to be published on Council’s website.
3. That Council adopts the reviewed CCTV Policy.
This report contains the records of Advisory Committee/Reference Group meetings.
1. Airport Reference Group meeting – 12 February 2024 – refer Attachment 1.
2. Planning Advisory Committee meeting – 29 February 2024 – refer Attachment 2.
3. Economic Development Advisory Committee meeting – 8 March 2024 – refer Attachment 3.
Council supported the following recommendation (6-0):
That the records of the following meetings be received:-
1. Airport Reference Group meeting – 12 February 2024.
2. Planning Advisory Committee meeting – 29 February 2024.
3. Economic Development Advisory Committee meeting – 8 March 2024.
Section 80A(2) of the Local Government Act 1989 required the record of an Assembly of Councillors to be reported at an ordinary Council meeting.
Assembly of Councillor Records are no longer a requirement in the Local Government Act 2020 as of 24 October 2020. However, under Council’s Governance Rules, a summary of the matters discussed at the meeting are required to be tabled at the next convenient Council meeting and recorded in the minutes of that Council meeting.
The record of the following Informal Meetings of Council are enclosed:-
Tuesday 12 March 2024 – refer Attachment 1.
Monday 18 March 2024 – refer Attachment 2.
Monday 25 March 2025 – Refer Attachment 3.
Council received the report (6-0).
Council received the report with the amendment that the Mayor and Deputy Mayor attended the South West TAFE graduation ceremony on March 5 (6-0).
8. Notice of Motion
9. General Business
10. Urgent Business
11. Close of Meeting