For more information and appendices for each item, view the Council Meeting Agenda above.
The below summary is unconfirmed until the Minutes of the August Meeting are accepted by Council.
1. Opening Prayer & Original Custodians Statement
2. Apologies
3. Confirmation of Minutes
That the Minutes of the Scheduled Meeting of Council held on 3 July 2023 and the Additional Council Meeting held on 24 July 2023, be confirmed. (7-0).
4. Declaration by Councillors and Officers of any Conflict of Interest in any Item on the Agenda
5. Mayoral Presentation
6. Public Question Time
Council has a News and Social Media Policy to provide a consistent, coordinated approach to interacting with news and social media, ensuring Council’s communications are accurate and professional.
Online and traditional news services, along with social media, provide opportunities for Council to engage with and inform the community about Council activities, programs, events, services and initiatives. Collectively they play a critical role in facilitating transparency, accountability and public trust.
Councillors and staff of Warrnambool City Council are expected to demonstrate standards of conduct and behaviour that are consistent with relevant legislation, regulations and policies. The revised News and Social Media Policy provides guidance for Councillors, staff, contractors and volunteers on the use of news and social media for the purposes of informing and engaging with the community about Council activities, responding to media inquiries and the personal use of social media where Warrnambool City Council is a topic of online discussion.
At its 3 July meeting Council voted to release the draft News and Social Media Policy for public exhibition. No feedback on the draft policy was received.
Council supported the following recommendations (7-0):
That Council adopts the revised News and Social Media Policy.
Council has a history of supporting community groups by acting as a guarantor for loans for community projects, however Council did not have a policy to provide guidance to applicants, officers and councillors in respect to these types of requests. The Community Group Loan Guarantee Policy aims to provide guidance to enable sound and consistent decision making in the assessment of these types of community requests going forward.
The Community Group Loan Guarantee Policy sets the guidelines to be used to assist Council in considering requests to act as guarantor for loans to local community groups. These guidelines are being established to ensure that Council can support community groups whilst ensuring any risk exposure to Council is kept to a minimum.
The Policy sets out a reasonable level of governance and controls in the process of being appointed as a loan guarantor and institutes these safeguards to ensure that financial sustainability of Council is not compromised. The Community Group Loan Guarantee Policy has been drafted based on industry best practice and reviewed against other local government authorities, such as Bendigo City Council’s policy, but tailored to the specific needs of Warrnambool City Council.
Council supported the following recommendation (7-0):
That Council adopts the Community Group Loan Guarantee Policy dated July 2023.
The Warrnambool Art Gallery Collection Development Policy is due for review. Detailed within this report is the Collections’ history, alongside a summary of the policy and its purpose.
The Collection Policy provides guidelines for the management and development of the Warrnambool Art Gallery collection. It identifies the focus of the collection and stipulates the process by which artworks are selected and acquired into the collection and deaccessioned.
Council supported the following recommendation (7-0):
That Council adopts the Warrnambool Art Gallery Collection Development Policy 2023.
In collaboration with Moyne Shire Council, Warrnambool City Council undertook a tender for design consultancy services. This tender aimed to provide a panel contract that can be used to more efficiently undertake works for individual projects.
The services within the contract include;
- Registered Building Architects
- Engineers (Civil, Structural, Environmental, Other)
- Surveyors
- Geotechnical
- Town Planning (Open space, Heritage Advisors)
The companies that have been shortlisted and offered a contract through the tender assessment process are detailed in Attachment A.
Council supported the following recommendations (7-0):
That Council:
1. Accept the tender submission/s for Tender 2022012 - Design Consultancy Services, ending 30 June 2025.
2. Authorise the Chief Executive Officer to sign and seal the deed(s) of standing offer and any contract documents.
The draft Warrnambool Pest Plant & Animal Framework outlines Council’s responsibilities to manage pest plant and animals and considers their management under four categories; Prevention & Preparedness, Eradication, Containment and Asset Protection.
The draft plan has been developed in collaboration with Council staff, Parks Victoria, Eastern Maar Aboriginal Corporation, Glenelg Hopkins Catchment Management Authority, Birdlife Australia, local Landcare groups, key stakeholders and other community groups and is ready to be released for community consultation.
The community, interested parties and adjoining land holders will have the opportunity to provide comment on the draft plan, this feedback will inform the final Warrnambool Pest Plant & Animal Framework.
Council supported the following recommendations (7-0):
That Council approve the release of the draft Warrnambool Pest Plant & Animal Framework for community consultation.
The Warrnambool City Council Economic Development Strategy 2015-2020 transitioned to the COVID business support plan for the 2021 and 2022. Officers have been working on a new Economic Development Strategy since early 2023 to cover out to 2028. The draft strategy produced has identified four key themes:
Theme 1: Planning for Sustainable Regional City Growth
Theme 2: A Collaborative, Productive and Diverse Industry
Theme 3: Workforce Attraction and Skills Development
Theme 4: A Successful and High-Value Visitor Economy
Council supported the following recommendation (7-0):
The Council resolves to release the draft Economic Development Strategy 2023-2028 for public consultation for a period of two weeks. The CEO may choose to extend the consultation period depending on the feedback received at the completion of the two-week period.
Council has received an application to develop the land known as 19 Preston Street, Dennington with two single storey dwellings.
The application triggers a planning permit under the zone for the construction of two or more dwellings on a lot. It is noted that the use of a dwelling does not require a permit.
The application was subject to internal referrals, and was subject to public notice.
As a result of notification, eight objections were received, where grounds were primarily in regard to parking/traffic/access, neighbourhood character, and waste collection.
The application and concerns raised by objectors have been considered against all of the relevant provisions of the Warrnambool Planning Scheme and it has been deemed that on balance the application warrants supports, where the Officer’s recommendation is approval subject to conditions.
If the application is supported, a Notice of Decision would be required as the eight objections have been sustained.
Council supported the following recommendation (4-3):
That Council, having caused notice of Planning Application No. PP2023-0061 to be given under Section 52 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 and or the planning scheme and having considered all the matters required under Section 60 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 determine to issue a Notice of Decision to Grant a Permit for application PP2023-0061 under the provisions of the Warrnambool Planning Scheme in respect of the land known and described as ALLOT Lot 1 TP 961744Y PSH WAN TSH DENN, 19 Preston St DENNINGTON VIC 3280, for the Construction of two (2) new dwellings in accordance with the endorsed plans, subject to nine conditions.
This report contains the record of three Advisory Committee meetings:
- Cycling Reference Group Minutes – 10 May 2023
- Economic Development & Tourism Advisory Committee – 16 June 2023.
- Planning Advisory Committee Minutes – 21 June 2023
Council received the report (7-0).
Section 80A(2) of the Local Government Act 1989 required the record of an Assembly of Councillors to be reported at an ordinary Council meeting.
Assembly of Councillor Records are no longer a requirement in the Local Government Act 2020 as of 24 October 2020. However, under Council’s Governance Rules, a summary of the matters discussed at the meeting are required to be tabled at the next convenient Council meeting and recorded in the minutes of that Council meeting.
The record of the following Informal Meetings of Council are enclosed:-
- Monday 10 July 2023.
- Monday 17 July 2023.
- Monday 24 July 2023.
- Monday 31 July 2023.
Council received the report (7-0).
Council received the report (7-0).
8. Notice of Motion
NO. 2158
Notice is given that at the Scheduled Meeting of Council to be held on Monday 7 August 2023, I propose to move that:
“Warrnambool City Council
1. Opposes the use of seismic testing for gas exploration in the Otway Basin.
2. Warrnambool City Council writes to the Minister for Resources and puts forward a submission to the NOPSEMA consultation on TGS Schlumberger 3D Multi-Client Seismic Survey Otway Basin Environment Plan, opposing the use of Seismic Testing by August 11th 2023.
3. Opposes the use of seismic testing, where appropriate, in future environmental policy creation and reviews.
Council supported the Notice of Motion (7-0).
9. General Business
10. Urgent Business
11. Close of Meeting