For more information and appendices for each item, view the Council Meeting Agenda above.
The below summary is unconfirmed until the Minutes of the June 6 Meeting are accepted by Council.
1. Opening Prayer & Original Custodians Statement
2. Apologies
Cr Arnott
3. Confirmation of Minutes
That the Minutes of the Scheduled Meeting of Council held on 2 May 2022, be confirmed (6-0)
4. Declaration by Councillors and Officers of any Conflict of Interest in any Item on the Agenda
5. Mayoral Presentation
6. Public Question Time
The Chief Executive Officer has power to appoint the majority of authorised officers under the s5 Instrument of Delegation to the Chief Executive Officer. However, the appointment of authorised officers under the Planning and Environment Act 1987 cannot be delegated and are therefore required to be made by resolution of Council.
The attached instrument of authorisation has been updated due to staff changes within the planning team.
This instrument of authorisation is attached and is submitted for Council’s consideration and adoption - refer Attachment 1.
Council supported the following recommendation (6-0):
That Council, in the exercise of the powers conferred by s 224 of the Local Government Act 1989 (the Act) and the other legislation referred to in the attached instrument of appointment and authorisation (the instrument):
1. Authorises the members of Council staff referred to in the instrument in Attachment 1 to be appointed and authorised as set out in the instrument.
2. Adopts the Instrument of Appointment and Authorisation as found at Attachment 1.
3. Authorises the instrument to come into force immediately upon the common seal of Council being affixed to the instrument by the Chief Executive Officer, and remains in force until Council determines to vary or revoke it.
The Public Interest Disclosure Procedure has been amended to rectify the contact listed as the Public Interest Disclosure Coordinator, from Director Corporate Strategies to the Manager Governance.
Some additional minor amendments have also been made to assist with ease of understanding the document.
The procedure is now issued to Council for consideration and is recommended for adoption.
Council supported the following recommendation (6-0):
That Council adopt the Public Interest Disclosure Procedure as found at Attachment 1.
7.3. WCC ASSET PLAN FY 2022-32 (10 YEARS)
Council is required to adopt an Asset Plan by the end of June 2022.
The Asset Plan draws information from detailed Asset Management Plans for the major asset categories of Roads, Bridges, Buildings, Drainage, Pathways and Open Space and Recreation.
Council has developed a draft Asset Plan for endorsement by Council for the purposes of community consultation.
Council will consider feedback from the community in adopting its Asset Plan at a Council meeting before June 30, 2022.
The Asset Plan is closely linked with Council’s Long Term Financial Plan and budget.
The Asset Plan shows that assets are generally sustainable for the next ten years although the renewal backlog is expected to increase to an unacceptable level in Year 13 unless planned funding is increased.
Council supported the following recommendations (6-0):
1. That Council approves and release the draft Asset Plan FY 2022-32 for community consultation and feedback from 7 June to 20 June 2022.
2. That Council adopt the Asset Plan upon incorporation of community feedback.
A public tender was advertised on 18 December 2021 inviting tender submissions from suitably qualified and experienced contractors to carry out works to redevelop the Jetty Flat Sporting Pavilion.
Close of tenders was 2:00pm Friday 4 February and no submissions were received.
Following the close of Tenders, and as no submissions were received, local building contractors were privately invited to submit tender prices with updated practical completion dates.
Council supported the following recommendations (6-0):
That Council:
1. Award Contract No. 2022015B Jetty Flat Pavilion Redevelopment to Bolden Constructions Pty Ltd for the tendered amount of $834,183.35 Ex. GST,
2. Authorise the CEO to sign, seal and vary the contract as required.
A public tender was advertised on 2 February 2022 inviting tender submissions from suitably qualified and experienced contractors to carry out works to undertake the dredging at the Port of Warrnambool.
Close of tenders was 2:00pm Friday 11 March 2022. A total of five tender submissions from two tenderers were received in the tender box up until the close of tenders.
Each of the submissions received are above the allocated budget. An option is to appoint the most advantageous tenderer with a lesser volume of material to be dredged in line with the tendered rates provided. Given the high mobilisation fees this would result in reducing the volume of material to approximately 20,000m3 from 35,000m3, to align to the available budget.
The most advantageous tenderer confirmed that they would accept limiting the volume of dredge material to 20,000m3 (from 35,000m3) to align to the available budget.
Council is in discussions with State Government Agencies to redistribute already committed design funding to maximise the opportunity to undertake additional dredging while the equipment is on site, noting the high mobilisation and site establishment costs that would already be incurred.
Council supported the following recommendations (6-0):
That Council
1) Award Contract No. 2022019 Port of Warrnambool Dredging to Hall Contracting Pty Ltd for the tendered amount of $963,031.80 excl. GST.
2) That the schedule of rates offered is accepted to undertake any extra works over and above the lump sum price if required, provided that additional works can be negotiated with the asset owner.
3) That the additional desired work be awarded under a provisional sum and approved under the contract, provided additional funding be sourced.
4) Authorise the CEO to sign, seal and vary the contract as required.
The intent of this contract is to create a register of contractors supporting minor building construction and maintenance for provision of 12 building work types and trades.
The successful tenderers will be appointed as registered suppliers to a panel of providers via a Deed of Standing offer to provide services under one or more of the separable portions.
The individual project budget for this contract is not specifically listed. The Council budget contains several allocations for minor building construction and maintenance which will be used to fund the works as required.
A total of 29 tender submissions were received from 21 individual tenderers and considered by the Tender Assessment Panel, the details of which are attached to this report.
One late tender was received and not considered by the Tender Assessment Panel.
Following detailed evaluation of each submission it is considered that the tender submissions of Leahy's Electrical Services, Simon Lucas Electrical Services Pty Ltd, Coley Electrical Pty Ltd, Hotker Electrical Contractors, Coopers Electrical and Air Conditioning, Wayne Hamilton Home Maintenance, O'Brien Building (aust) Pty Ltd, Hammonds Paints Contracting Pty Ltd, XCAVAC, Koroit and District Plumbing, Abtech Plumbing and Excavation Pty Ltd, ASAP Local Plumbing, Brian O'Shannessy Plumbing, Warrick Young Plumbing, Onshore Plumbing and Gas fitting, MT Windows Pty Ltd, MC Plumbing Warrnambool, Plumtrax Infrastructure Services, Leon Van Kempen, West Fridge Pty Ltd , and Andrews Asbestos Solutions are preferred.
Additional information is required from five tenderers before they can be included on the panel.
Council supported the following recommendations (6-0):
That Council:-
1. Accept the tender submissions/s for tender 2022030 – Register of Contractors Supporting Minor Building Construction and Maintenance from : Leahy's Electrical Services, Hotker Electrical Contractors, Coopers Electrical and Air Conditioning, Wayne Hamilton Home Maintenance, O'Brien Building (aust) Pty Ltd, Hammonds Paints Contracting Pty Ltd, Koroit and District Plumbing, Abtech Plumbing and Excavation Pty Ltd, ASAP Local Plumbing, Brian O'Shannessy Plumbing, Warrick Young Plumbing, Onshore Plumbing and Gas fitting, MC Plumbing Warrnambool, Plumtrax Infrastructure Services, Leon Van Kempen and West Fridge Pty Ltd.
2. Accept the tender submissions/s for tender 2022030 – Register of Contractors Supporting Minor Building Construction and Maintenance from: Simon Lucas Electrical Services Pty Ltd, Coley Electrical Pty Ltd, XCAVAC, MT Windows Pty Ltd and Andrews Asbestos Solutions; subject to each reaching agreeable contractual terms and conditions to the satisfaction of the Director City Infrastructure.
3. Authorise the Chief Executive Officer to sign and seal the deed(s) of standing offer and any contract documents.
4. Authorise the Director City Infrastructure to manage and execute deed extensions for; Optional extension, for a further 12 months ending 30 June 2026.
This report contains the records of 1 Advisory Committee meeting:
1. Economic Development & Tourism Advisory Committee – 20 May 2022 – refer Attachment 1.
Council received the report (6-0)
Section 80A(2) of the Local Government Act 1989 required the record of an Assembly of Councillors to be reported at an ordinary Council meeting.
Assembly of Councillor Records are no longer a requirement in the Local Government Act 2020 as of 24 October 2020. However, under Council’s Governance Rules, a summary of the matters discussed at the meeting are required to be tabled at the next convenient Council meeting and recorded in the minutes of that Council meeting.
The record of the following Informal Meetings of Council are enclosed:-
1. Monday 9 May 2022 – refer Attachment 1
2. Wednesday 11 May 2022 – refer Attachment 2
3. Monday 16 May 2022 – refer Attachment 3
4. Monday 23 May 2022 – refer Attachment 4
5. Monday 30 May 2022- refer Attachment 5
Council received the report (6-0)
Council received the report (6-0).
8. Notice of Motion
9. General Business
10. Urgent Business
11. Close of Meeting