Warrnambool | A City for Living

Improving access to the beach

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This is the date and time that this news article was published.

Work on the second stage of the new accessible beach access ramp at McGennans carpark began this week, and is expected to be finished by June.

Following the completion of works late last year to re-establish the dune profile after sections had become eroded over time, the second stage involves the installation of the ramp and staircase.

Warrnambool Mayor Cr Blain said that the upgrade would improve access to the beach for people with a range of mobility issues.

“There are lots of people who struggle with stairs for all sorts of reasons, and that’s why an accessible beach access point was identified as a priority in our Beach Access Strategy,” he said.

“In addition to re-establishing beach access at a site that has been closed for a few years because the existing stairs were no longer safe, this location was chosen for an all-abilities ramp because it is close to the disabled carparks in McGennans carpark and the new accessible amenities block.”

Cr Blain said that the ramp and stairs would be built to endure the often harsh conditions of the Southern Ocean.

“The new ramp and stairs are designed to cope with rough ocean conditions and feature footings which go up to 6m below the beach surface,” he said.

“The structure itself is built of long-lasting materials including marine-grade stainless steel and fibre-reinforced plastic.

“And another boost is that sections of the timber decking leading to the access point, which are only about five years old, have been salvaged and will be used in other projects.”

This $518,000 (ex GST) project is funded by the Warrnambool City Council and the Victorian Government via the Coastal Public Access and Risk Grants program.