Warrnambool | A City for Living

Food Premises

Council works with food proprietors towards ensuring that all food being sold, manufactured or stored is safe for human consumption and to reduce the incidence of foodborne diseases. Council undertakes the following functions in relation to food safety:

  • The Registration of businesses under the Food Act 1984 (any business or person who prepares, sells, manufactures or packages food for public consumption). This includes temporary and mobile food premises such as those at markets, fairs and festivals.
  • Regular inspections of food businesses to ensure compliance with food safety legislation, standards and codes.
  • Investigation of food related complaints.
  • Advising food businesses of relevant food recall details.
  • Investigations of food adulteration and food-borne illness.
  • Assisting new and existing businesses to ensure compliance with food legislation and standards and codes.
  • Undertaking food sampling to determine the presence of harmful bacteria, foreign objects or incorrect labelling.

In Victoria, you cannot operate a food business unless the business is registered with the relevant local Council. A food premises must be registered with the Council before food is stored, handled, prepared or sold from that premises. Failure to register your premises is a contravention of the Food Act. 

There are four classes of food premises

Class 1Class 2Class 3 Class 4

This classification system ensures that the regulatory requirements are matched appropriately to the level of food safety risk associated undertaken at the respective premises.

Setting up a new Food Business

Before you start construction or works on a new food business you must complete a food premises application.

We can then provide you with specific information on the requirements of your new food business and begin the registration process.

ClassType of premisesFood Safety PlanFood Safety Supervisor
Class 1Hospitals, child care centres and aged care centres which serve potentially hazardous foodsYesYes
Class 2Supermarkets, Take Away, Restaurants, Cafes, etcYesYes
Class 3Premises that handle unpackaged low risk food or high risk pre-packed foodNo, but minimum recording requirementsNo
Class 4Shelf stable pre-packaged items, whole uncut fruit and/or vegetablesNoNo

For registration and structural requirements for food premises, please see Council’s Food Premises Information Pack.

Environmental health department fees and charges


In Australia, all food labels must conform to the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code. For further information regarding labelling requirements, please see Council's Labelling Guidelines Information Pack.

safe food storage

Temperature of food - thermometers and calibration

food handlers health and hygeine

keeping food safe - displaying and serving food

Food safety program - Food supervisor

Streatrader Business Brochure

Streatrader community group brochure

Temporary events/food stalls

Temporary Food Premises Guidelines

Streatrader is a website that allows statewide registration and notification of temporary/Mobile Food premises, private Drinking Water Carters and Food Vending Machines. The statewide registration applies to all businesses, community groups and not-for-profit organisations.

How to register
Go to Streatrader website at least two (2) weeks prior to conducting an event. You will be directed to Business Victoria Online, where you will create your login (unless you already have one, in which case you just simply fill in your username and password). Once your login details are complete, you will automatically enter the Streatrader website. You are now ready to complete your forms. Streatrader will guide you through the process until you're ready to hit the lodge button.

Statements of Trade
Once you have received your statewide registration certificate, you must inform all relevant Councils about your trading intentions. At least 5 days before trading, you must lodge a Food Act Statement of Trade (SOT).
This is completed by logging into your Streatrader account and clicking on 'Lodge Statement Of Trade'. Once you have entered the applicable information, Streatrader will notify the relevant Council of your intended trading dates.

For more information please download the Community Group brochure or Business brochure (available above) or contact Warrnambool City Council’s Environmental Health Unit on 5559 4800.

Please remember that you will need to comply with any roadside trading or planning laws in the Council you plan to trade.

For temporary events or food premises where tables and chairs are to be setup on the footpaths a permit from Councils Local Law Office is required. Please refer to the Local Laws webpage for further information.