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This is the date and time that this news article was published.

In the heart of Archie Graham Community Centre an amazing transformation has taken place.

A rough, damp and disused outdoor space between buildings has become an accessible, sheltered, inviting courtyard with soft fall flooring and a thriving vegie garden.

The new feature at Archie is the outcome of a partnership between Council, community and enthusiastic local tradespeople keen to be involved in something out of the ordinary.

The vegie garden, growing in elevated wicking beds (“Food Cubes”) has attracted a diverse group, each passionate about different aspects of the project with their combined contributions creating a place able to be shared by many.

The Food Cube project was officially launched on Wednesday by Deputy Mayor Cr Vicki Jellie, who noted that plants offered a great metaphor for any community project.

“First there’s a plan. The seed of an idea, inside there’s enormous potential,” Cr Jellie said.

“Things start small but over time, slowly but surely, they grow.

“Leaves sprout, roots take hold, and our project, and our plants, begin to flourish.

“And just like a plant needs water, soil and sun, a successful community project needs the effort and enthusiasm of lots of different people to help it grow.

“And that’s what we’re here to celebrate today.”

Courtyard garden launch.















Archie Community Programs Coordinator Clare Vaughan said a range of Council staff had assisted with the project providing plants and horticultural advice along with resolving the drainage problem.

Help was also provided by Pearson’s Nursery and Volcano Produce.

The project aligns with the aims of Council’s Health and Wellbeing Plan which emphasises healthy eating along with being active to improve physical and mental health.