Warrnambool | A City for Living

Community Profile

Warrnambool's community profile

Our Population profile provides information on Warrnambool's current estimated population, population density, age profiles, who we are and what we do. 

The Social atlas provides details demographic information for discrete geographic/neighbourhood areas within the Warrnambool municipality.


Our Health & Wellbeing - How are Warrnambool's residents faring?

Warrnambool’s summary of health and wellbeing indicators can be accessed here. These indicators reflect on the aspirations of the Warrnambool community as detailed in the Warrnambool 2040 Plan, and provides a comparison of where Warrnambool sits against other regional cities and the Victorian State average.

Warrnambool's health and wellbeing data can be accessed through the health data profile.

Health data relating to 12 primary health indicators for Warrnambool and other Western Victoria Local Government Areas can be accessed from the West Vic PHN Data Dashboard.

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare data dashboard.
Victorian Public Health Survey data dashboard. 
SGS Economic Liveability and Wellbeing data dashboard.