Warrnambool | A City for Living

CHSP Reforms – Frequently Asked Questions

Transition of Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) to In-Home Aged Care Program (IHAC)

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP)?

The Federal government provides funds to Warrnambool City Council to provide Home & Personal Care, Home Maintenance, Social Support, Respite Services and Meals on Wheels to its residents and surrounding areas through the My Aged Care referral system and Home Care Packages.

2. What is the CHSP Reform?

The Federal Government announced major reforms to aged-care services in May 2021, in response to the 2020 Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety findings and recommendations. This included reforms to the model in which the Commonwealth Home Support Program is delivered, particularly:

  • Consumer have choice in their service provider, &
  • High quality services are maintained.

This new program will be called In-Home Aged Care (IHAC) from 1 July 2025. The reforms will impact on the home care, personal care, property maintenance/modifications, social support, respite care and meals on wheel services provided by Council.

3. How does the reform of the CHSP impact on Council Services?

The proposed reforms to the program will impact Council’s home care, personal care, property maintenance/modifications, social support, respite care and meals on wheel services provided by Council. The new model for delivery of the CHSP, which will be called In-Home Aged Care (IHAC), can have governance, quality control, reporting and financial implications on Council services.

4. Will Council continue to provide services?

Based on current commitments, Council will continue to provide services up to 30 June 2025 without any change.  Council has not made a decision in regard to its future role and will undertake a review and evaluation of the program to determine next steps.

5. What happens if Council decides to exit the service or end services?

If Council decides to exit the service or end services from 1 July 2025, Council will announce such intention well ahead of time and will work with the Federal Government to transition all existing clients to other service providers. Council will not end or exit from services until every client has been transitioned to another provider.

6. Will I continue to receive services until 30 June 2025?

Yes, there will be no change to existing services until 30 June 2025.

7. If Council decides to exit, will Council tell us why they are leaving?

Yes.  If Council decides to exit services, Council will provide a detailed explanation on the circumstances due to which Council has to exit the service.

8. Will it cost me more, and will I get the same level of service?

As per information received from the Federal Government, the transition from the current model to the new model should not cost more for clients. The proposed reforms indicate that there will be better consumer choice, greater fee transparency and enhanced services with the new model.

9. What happens from 1 July 2025?

Council is in the process of reviewing and evaluating how it will be involved in the delivery of aged-care services and delivering age-friendly programs in the future. This review and evaluation is expected to occur between July and November 2023. Council will make a decision on its future role once the review report is available to Council. From 1 July 2025, as an example, any of the four scenarios mentioned below may occur:

  • Council will continue to provide existing services
  • Council will increase the levels of services it provides
  • Council will exit some services while continuing to provide some services
  • Council will exit all current services

Any decision of Council will be communicated to the CHSP clients, community and Council staff well ahead of time. Should there be any decision of Council to exit any or all services, a transition process will be in place to assist all clients and staff during the transition.

10. Will Council consult with clients before taking a decision?

Yes, consultation with clients, Council staff and the community is a core component of the review and evaluation. Council will announce consultation with our clients through individual letters and through different media channels and encourage clients to actively participate in Council’s consultation process.

11. When will Council make a decision?

The review is expected to finish in December 2023 and Council will make a decision soon thereafter.

12. How will I find out what is happening?

Council will contact you directly with any decision that is made, whether it’s about any change occurring or no change occurring.

13. If Council decides to stop my service, who will provide the service?

If Council decides to exit any service, it will work with the Federal Government, the client and the new service provider to transition the client into the new service. No services will be stopped without a transition plan in place.

14. Will Council consult with staff?

Yes, Council will be consulting with staff and will provide regular updates to staff of the review work being undertaken and other key milestones.

15. Is the review independent or will Council staff do the review?

The review will be conducted by independent Consultants who are subject matter experts. The review project will be managed by an external Project Manager.