The Archie Reception staff will be happy to direct you to information that matches your interests so if you’re not sure where to start, just ask.
Opening hours
Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm
Archie Graham Community Centre
118 Timor Street, Warrnambool
Phone: (03) 5559 4920
Email: [email protected]
The Archie Graham Community Centre is a friendly and relaxed place for people to find out about and join in with community activities that keep them fit and healthy, independent and connected to friends. It’s a place to continue to learn new things, develop and share skills and re-engage with interests.
If you’re new to Warrnambool, recently retired from work or simply looking to be involved in community life in new and interesting ways then pop into the Archie Graham Community Centre.
The centre has:
- Accessible parking, entrance, customer service area and cafe
- Staff available Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm for any queries
- A variety of rooms of various sizes suitable for community activities and meetings.
- Hydrotherapy pool, wheelchair and pool hoists
- Accessible change rooms and toilets
- Rest areas and seating
- Signage with symbols
- Companion Card acceptance
Archie Newsletter
Register to receive the current Archie Newsletter by email or pick one up from the stand at Archie Reception.
Current Edition
Past Editions
Social connection
Social connection is at the heart of what we do at Archie Graham Community Centre.
See the Archie Newsletter (above) for the latest activities and opportunities on offer.
Community members are welcome to make enquiries at Reception about how to make a start in the activities of interest. An alternative is to spend some time in the Café to see the activities that ‘come and go’ and find the ones that are of interest and ‘feel right’ then make an enquiry.
Archie Cafe
The Archie Café is volunteer operated and is an ideal place to relax over a coffee and the newspaper or to meet up with friends.
The café is open on Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays from 10am-1,30 pm.
The menu consists of the full range of espresso coffees, fresh and toasted sandwiches plus a selection of sweet treats – all at affordable prices.
Outside of these times and when the Centre is open, complimentary tea and coffee is available.
Please ask our friendly staff at Reception for assistance when attending the Centre for the first time.
WiFi and computer availability
Free Wifi is available throughout the Centre and computers are available for community use. Enquires welcome at reception.
Technology support
One-to-one tech support sessions are run by local volunteers from Monday to Friday at the Archie Graham Community Centre. Community members can access technology assistance ranging from how to turn a computer, tablet or smartphone on to choosing and setting up new device and using email or exploring the internet. Contact Archie Reception to find out about session availability and the cost involved.
Community information
Information sessions are scheduled throughout the year to enable community members to access them as they require them.
- My Aged Care
- End of Life Preparation – Warrnambool and District Hospice
- Ambulance Victoria CALL PUSH SHOCK training - which includes tips for calling triple 000
- Coffee with a Cop – for personal and property safety information
- Social support services such as Centrelink for financial support and pension information
Other information sessions are coincide with special awareness raising events and celebratory festivals such as Harmony Week, Reconciliation Week and the Senior Festival and Youth Festival.
Physical activities
Hydrotherapy pool
The Hydrotherapy Pool is a salt-chlorinated pool to support rehabilitation needs for all community members. One hour sessions are available Monday to Friday and must be pre-booked by contacting the Archie Graham Community Centre.
Heart Foundation walking groups
Free walking groups that are suited for people of all ages and abilities. They provide a great chance to give your health a boost, meet new people and share information about other community activities on offer. To join a group, contact the Archie Reception.
Group fitness, yoga and pilates
A range of high quality exercise classes are available at the Archie Graham Community Centre and they are accessed by contacting instructors directly. Contact details are in the Archie Newsletter or contact Archie Reception.
Tai chi, gentle exercise and line dancing
The Seniors Citizen’s Club offers weekly tai chi, gentle exercise and line dancing sessions at the Archie Graham Community Centre and they are accessed by contacting Archie Reception.
Room hire
The Archie Graham Centre has a range of rooms available for hire. Please click the links below to find out more about each room, and contact Archie Reception to make a booking.