Warrnambool | A City for Living

Active Warrnambool Strategy

The Active Warrnambool Strategy 2019-30 was endorsed by Council on 7 October, 2019. It has been developed to support and guide Council’s planning and provision of sport, active recreation and physical activity in Warrnambool.

The purpose of the Strategy is to increase the increase regular participation in sport, active recreation and physical activity by everyone in the community, in order to take advantage of the benefits of sport and recreation such as physical fitness, reduced risk of chronic illnesses and improved mental wellbeing.

The Strategy aims to deliver the following outcomes for sport, recreation and physical activity in Warrnambool:

  • Increased participation opportunities for everyone
  • Sustainable clubs and organisations
  • Increased participation by females, and other under-represented groups, in all aspects of sport, recreation and physical activity
  • Maximised and best use of facilities, places and spaces
  • Improved connectivity between facilities, places and spaces
  • Renewed and redeveloped existing facilities, places and spaces to maximise physical activity opportunities
  • Increased evidence base for decision making, investment and to maximise efficiencies (through the review and development of plans, policies and management practices/systems).
  • Adequate resources secured to effectively managing resources including staff, funds and assets.

The Strategy was informed by a significant level of consultation. Three stages of community engagement were undertaken throughout the project including; Stage 1 as part of the W2040 consultation; and focus groups with key stakeholders and interested community members that informed the Issues and Opportunities report (Stage 2) and tested the draft recommendations (Stage 3).

The process of developing the Strategy including a background review, assessment of data and current provision, and the consultation resulted in the identification of 21 key issues and opportunities which are categorised under three themes with 23 objectives and 70 actions to be implemented over the next ten years.